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World History

By baywitt
  • Nov 27, 1096


    War od the christians and muslim over the Holy land . They had good out come and extended trade trade routes.
  • Jan 1, 1333

    Black Death

    Black Death
    A deathly plague started in Asia and was spreaded by fleas on rats. Whiped out most of the population.
  • Oct 19, 1337

    100 years war

    100 years war
    Ended at 1453. Along conflicts the pittes the kings and the kingdoms of france and england.
  • Sep 23, 1350

    Renaissance begins

    Renaissance begins
    Renaissance is french for "rebirth" in so many diffrent ways. Renaissance started in Itally. At this time in Greek and Roman the "humanism" is taking place.
  • Jun 23, 1368

    Ming dynasty

    Ming dynasty
    The Mongol leader Kublai Khan conquerd China and found the Yaun dynasty. China rulers gained control of korea, Mongolia and parts of central and southest Asia. Ming rule brought prosperity to China by improving methods and increasing farm production.
  • Oct 7, 1405

    Voyages of Zheng He

    Voyages of Zheng He
    The Zheng He dynasty led seven ocean expoditions.They traveled from china to southest asia, and then to Indea.THe reason why this is so important is becasue they traveled with hundradds of big ships.
  • May 29, 1431

    Joan of arc burned at stake

    Joan of  arc burned at stake
    She died of breathinf to much smoke. She was 19 at the timme she was burnt. She was burnt in Roven Eagland.
  • Oct 6, 1453

    Ottomas Conquer Constantinople

    Ottomas   Conquer Constantinople
    Ottamanas army Conquerd Constantinople comanded by Ottamn Sultan Mehmed II. Mehmed took the title as the conquer. Constantinople was attacked time after time before Mehmend, BUt Mehmend but an end to them being undefeated.
  • Sep 23, 1455

    Johannes Gutenburg

    Johannes Gutenburg
    Gutenberg was a publisher and a publisher who introduced printing to Europe. The printing press can also be known as the most important event ing the moddern period. The printing press played a big role in developing the renessance.
  • Sep 23, 1458

    Da Gama lands Indea

    Da Gama lands Indea
    Da Gama was the first europian to reach Indea using the Atlatic ocean. Landed at Calicut on Malabar coast . Da Gama sailed from Lisbon Portugual in July od 1497.
  • May 14, 1471

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    Flounels the church so he can devorse his wife cathrine. Then passed the laws ending the pwer of popes in england.
  • Sep 30, 1492

    1st Voyage os Columbus

    First Christian Europian to make land fall in America. Colubous sailed from the spanish crown, trying the to get to the tip of asia, And ended up finding the west "indies" .
  • Sep 23, 1500

    Slave trade iacross the atlantic

    Slave trade iacross the atlantic
    Most of the slaves that were transported to the New World. Most on the triangular trade rout and it's middle passages. West africans from central and western parts of the contenet.
  • Oct 6, 1501

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empire
    Was the most successful rulling dynasty in pursian. After the falling od the Sasanian. Following the Muslim conquest.
  • Oct 6, 1502

    Naming of the "new worls"

    Naming of the "new worls"
    The trem "new world" started in arounf the early 1600's from the Europeans. The new worls is America which was named after Amerigo Vespucci. The new world Is offten caled the "fouth part of the world."
  • Sep 23, 1503

    Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
    To ba a portrait of Lisa Gnerardini, The wife of Fransisco Gioconndo. Da vinci Worked on the Mona Lisa for 4 years before finishing it. Even though De Vinci did some changes to the painting like, gave her eyebrowns, and didn't finish one of her left fingers.
  • Sep 23, 1508

    Michelangelo begins to paint the sistine chapel

    Michelangelo begins to paint the sistine chapel
    Michelagenlo continued to paint the sistine cahpel all the way through. It was a conerstone work, High renaissance art. The sistine chaple has snece forn Genesis in very dramatic and movieng detail.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luthar And the 95 Theses

    Martin Luthar And the 95 Theses
    Nailing his copy of the 95 thses to the door of Whittenberg castle church. For the protestant church to get popular. Martin Luther was also the reason of the diet of worms.
  • Oct 6, 1519

    Mangellan starts his "around the worls" trips

    Mangellan starts his "around the worls" trips
    Mangllen was searching for fame and fortune. Wen t out to go to spain with 5 boats and then descovered what is now known as the striaght of Manglellen. Mangellen was the first european to crossing the pacific ocean.
  • Oct 7, 1526

    Mughal Empire Begins

    Mughal Empire Begins
    The mughal dynasty ruled most of indea. the dynasty was founded by Chagatai Turkic. Mughals are muslims that intergat hindus and muslims into united inda states. The mughal empire didnt try to invert local societies.
  • Sep 24, 1532

    Pizarro and the Inca empire

    Pizarro and the Inca empire
    Pazarro invades the Inca empire in 1532 and the fight lasted till 1572. Some people estematet that there was a population of the Inca empire was more than 16,000,000. Atahuallpa, the last emperor, marking the end of 300 years of Inca.
  • Nov 17, 1533

    Ethizabeth becasme queen

    Ethizabeth becasme queen
    Splitting England once again form Roman catholics. The catholics plotted against her to place Marry back on the thron. She was a suviver of scandal and danger. Queen Elizabeth is also knowown as " Thw Virgin Gueen. "
  • Oct 6, 1543

    Copernicus Publishes heliocentric theory

    Copernicus Publishes heliocentric theory
    Copernicus was a polish astronomer who put the idea that the sun was teh center of the universe. He aslo thought that the Earth is on an axis and spins on it dailey. And thtat the eart spins around the sun yearly.
  • Sep 24, 1545

    Counsil of Trent

    Counsil of Trent
    The Counsil of trent began at 1545 and didn't end till around 1563. Trent and Norther Italy was one of the most important councils to the Roaman Catholic Churches. Premoted by the Protestnats it was discribed as the counter reinformation.
  • Sep 23, 1556

    Philip II rules spain

    Philip II rules spain
    Philip the II was the king of spain and in 1580-98 he was king of portugese, champion of Boman Catholic Counter Reformation. The spanish empire attaind great power, extent, and influence.
  • Age Of Enlightment

    Age Of Enlightment
    Was a new generation pf phillosphers veiwing ways to understand the truth.
  • Louis XIV becomes king of france

    Louis XIV becomes king of france
    Louis XIV became king at the age of four after the death of his father. He was also holds the title of being one of the best monarch of his time. His first years as a king were help as rebellion from his mother.
  • Qing Dynaty in China begins

    Qing Dynaty in China begins
    Qing Dynaty was one of the last imperail dynasties in China. The population grew some from 150 million to 450 million. Qing Dynasty grew under teh preceding Ming dynasty.
  • Jamestown, colony in vergina founded

    Jamestown, colony in vergina founded
    The finding of Jamestown is Americas first permanet colony. They foud it 13 years before th epilgrams arived at plymeth. The culture, government, language adn more, Americans still use today.
  • Thomas Hobbes wites Leviathen

    Thomas Hobbes wites Leviathen
    Levianthen drives off of a biblical Lavianthen. The body and sturcture of the book is about how society and government. Levianthen ranking a classic western work on statecraft.
  • Oliver Cromwell rules england

    Oliver Cromwell rules england
    Oliver Cromwell remains one of the most famous characters in history. While england was struggling he decided to to backed the army. And he became an effective leader of England.
  • Peter the great Becomes Czar

    Peter the great Becomes Czar
    Known for his extensive atempts to establish Russia as a great nation. Peter was the 14th child of Czar Alexis. Peter the great made a strong navy, and reorganized his army.
  • Peter I (the great) becaomes Czar

    Peter I (the great) becaomes Czar
    Peter I also known as Peter the great was known as Czar in the late 1700's. He's mostly known for his extensive reforms and is attemps to establish Russia as a good nation. And under his rule Russia became a very sucessful nation.
  • Cathrine the great

    Cathrine the great
    Cathrine and many russian nobles got angry at week rules with help cathrine gained power form czar, who was murderd. Elizabeth the great often relied on her nobles, for her accession to power and in rule of her empire.
  • U.S. Constitution is ratified

    U.S. Constitution is ratified
    The consistution had to be signed by 9 of the 13 states before it became binding. The constitution had adopted new articals during th erevolutionary war. The Anti-fedrals thought it gave the central government to much ower and didn't like it.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution ended 10 years latter, so in 1799. The revolution was carried forward by Napoleon during the expansion on the French empire. The French revolution folllowed after the Seven year's war, And the American Revolutionary war.
  • Reighn of terror begins

    Reighn of terror begins
    The begining of violence,Starting afther the onset of French Revolution. A conflict between two rival politional factions. This conflict was between the Girondins and the Jacobins.
  • Nepoleon becomes Emporer

    Nepoleon becomes Emporer
    Naploleon was the first frenchman to hold the the title of the of emporer in over one thousand years. He rose the ranks of the french revolution rapidy. and was one of the best millitarty stagitist.
  • Napoleon Deafeted at waterlo

    Napoleon Deafeted at waterlo
    Nepoleon was derfeated by 2 of the armys Seventh Coalition. By the Duke of wellington and the Purssian. This ended the Nepoleonic era.
  • Tokugawa Shogunate ends

    Tokugawa Shogunate ends
    Tokugawa Shogunate will the the final end of the japanees government, culture, and society. The tokugawa dynasty of shoguns lasted 250 yaers with prosperity and peace in Japan. The Tokugawa ended up becoming very weak rapidly by the 19th centry.
  • Jews, Gypsies, & Moors expelled spain

    Jews, Gypsies, & Moors expelled spain
    Jews who refused to convert to christianity ogt epxpelled from the country. Gypsies were not faithful to the holy family. The Moors were exelled becasue they were muslim.