World History 2000 B.C. - 250 B.C. TIMELINE: Timetoast

  • Period: 250 to

    People and Ideas onthe Move, 2000 B.C.–250 B.C.

  • 550


    Religion Library: Jainism
    New religions arised and it was Jainism and Buddhism. The founder of the religion was Mahavira who believed that everything has a soul and that they shouln't be harmed. The Jain monks would wear masks over their mouths and carry the the doctrine of nonviolence to remember.
  • 563


    About Buddhism - the teachings of Buddha
    Buddhism developed at the same period of religious questioning that shaped modern Hinduism and Jainism. The founder was born from a noble family and was named Siddhartha Gautama. He wanted to know how earn everlasting happiness. He tried searching for a way to end suffering and find the religious truth. Later he preached the ideas of Four Noble Truths.
  • Sep 14, 750


    Basics of Hinduism
    Hinduism is a religion that contains many religious beliefs that has developed slowly over a long time. It has changed many times over a long period, but the ideas about karma and reincarnation strengthened the caste system. For the upper-caste males, there would be good fortune to come from the good karma earned in a former life, but for the females or lowly-castes they would bring bad karma.
  • Sep 14, 1020

    King Saul

    King Saul
    Biblical King SaulKing Saul, the First King of Israel
    In the kingdom of Israel, the first king was King Saul. He is chosen for his success in driving out the Philistines from the
    central hills of ancient Palestine, but in the bible Saul is portrayed as a tragic man, who got jealous of his son-in-law, David. After King Saul's death, David becomes the next king.
  • Sep 14, 1040

    King David

    King David
    King David
    King David, the second king after the death of King Saul, was an extremely popular leader, who united the tribes, and established Jerusalem as the capital fo the city. He then found a dynasty. His son is the third king, King Solomon.
  • Sep 14, 1100


    The Phoenicians
    After the decline of Crete, the most powerful traders along the Mediterranean was the Phoenicians who never united into a country but instead they have found wealthy city-states around the Mediterranean. Phoenicians are remarkable shipbuilders and seafarers who were the first to go and visit beyond the Strait of Gibraltar and sail around the continent of Africa by using the Red Sea and back by Strait of Gibraltar.
  • Sep 13, 1280


    The TorahFive books of story, law, and poetry.
    Torah is the book that contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. The Jews called it the Torah and they consider them as the most sacred writings in their tradition. And the Christians respect them as part of the Old Testament in the Bible.
  • Sep 14, 1280

    Ten Commandments

    Ten Commandments
    Ten Commandments
    Ten Commandments are two stone tablets on which Yahweh had written on. This was given to Moses while the Hebrews were traveling across the Sinai Peninsula, and Moses climbed to the top of Mount Sinai to pray. The Ten Commandments soon becomes the teachings that Moses has delivered to his people it become the basis for the civil and religious laws of Judaism.
  • Sep 14, 1340

    Hittite Empire

    Hittite Empire
    Hittite Empire
    One of the Indo-European speakers group called the Hittite occupied Anatolia or the Asia Minor, which is a huge peninsula that is surrounded by the Black and Mediterranean seas. It is a high, rocky plateau, rich in timber and has the nearby mountains that hold very important mineral deposits. Later on the separated Hittite city-states come together to form an empire, and make Hattusas it's capital.
  • Sep 11, 1391


    In the Bible Moses is the man who led the Hebrews out of slavery from the land of Eygpt. He was a Hebrew but he was raised by a Egyptian princess. He obeyed when God told Moses to lead the Jews out of Egypt.
  • Monotheism

    Monotheism is a a belief in a single god, The Hebrews believed that Yahweh was the only God and that Yahweh had power over everything. To the Hebrews, God was not a physical being, and no physical images were to be made of him. They would ask Yahweh for protection and the reason Yahweh ever protects them is because of the covenant between God and Abraham.
  • Abraham father of Israel

    Abraham father of Israel
    Abraham, the Father of all that Believe
    Abraham was a shepherd who lived in the city of Ur. In the Torah, Abraham is chosen by God to be the "father" of the israelites. God promises Abraham the promise land and protection and blessing to his family. It tells in the Bible how he and his family roamed for years and God was with them the whole time.
  • King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon

    King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon
    King Nebuchadnezzar
    The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar ran the Egyptians out of Syria the ancient Palestine, and he had twice attacked
    Jerusalem until the city fell. Many of the survivors exiled to Babylon and during the exile in Babylon, in the Bible, it tells how the prophet Ezekiel urged his people to keep
    their religion alive.
  • Divided Kingdom of Israel & Judah

    Divided Kingdom of Israel & Judah
    When Israel Became "Israel" and "Judah"The kingdom of Israel divides into two, with Israel in the north and Judah in the south because of Solomon’s building projects. Ths happened because of the heavy taxes and forced labor given to the people for building Solomon's temple.
  • King Solomon

    King Solomon
    King Solomon
    King Solomon was the third king of Hebrew after his father King David. King Slolomon was a powerful king who built a trading empire and made the capital city, Jerusalem a more beautiful. In Jerusalem, he built an expensive temple made of gold and other riches to glorify God and a magnificent royal palace for himself.