World History 2 Timeline

  • Sep 8, 1300

    Renissance Begins

    Renissance Begins
    The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century
  • May 29, 1453

    Byanzantine capital Constantinople is conqured by Ottomans and renamed Instabul

    Byanzantine capital Constantinople is conqured by Ottomans and renamed Instabul
    When it was conqured, it was a 1500 year old empire
  • Dec 17, 1492

    Columbus sets sail.

    Columbus sets sail.
    Columbus took the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
  • Jun 4, 1494

    The Treaty of Tordesillas

    The Treaty of Tordesillas
    It divided the lands belonging to Portugal and Spain
  • Oct 1, 1503

    Leo paints the Mona Lisa

    Leo paints the Mona Lisa
  • Sep 8, 1504

    Michaelangelo's David

    Michaelangelo's David
  • Sep 17, 1508

    Michaelangelo's painting of the Sistine Chapel

  • Oct 1, 1509

    Erasmus writes "Praise of Folly"

    Erasmus writes "Praise of Folly"
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs
    Most signifigant event in the Spanish colonization of the Americas
  • Dec 17, 1522

    Nicolaus Copernicus discovers the Heliocentric Theory

    Nicolaus Copernicus discovers the Heliocentric Theory
    He discoverd the Sun is in the center of the universe, not the Earth
  • Jun 26, 1541

    Pizzaro conquers the Incas

    Pizzaro conquers the Incas
    The conquest was the collapse of the Incan Empire
  • "Shakespear writes "The Tradgedy of Julius Ceaser"

    "Shakespear writes "The Tradgedy of Julius Ceaser"
    Written long after Ceasers death.
  • Prince Henry's navigaional school founded

    Prince Henry's navigaional school founded
    Taught techniques to Portugese sailors
  • Johannes Kepler discovers Planetary Motion

    Johannes Kepler discovers Planetary Motion
    Johannes was a mathmatican, philosopher, scientist, and astrologer.
  • Galileo Galilei uses a telescope to support Heliocentric Theory

    Galileo Galilei uses a telescope to support Heliocentric Theory
    Had to recant his beliefs because of threats from the Catholic Church.
  • William Harvey discovers circulation of blood

    William Harvey discovers circulation of blood
    Published a book on his discovery
  • Taj Muhal was built

    Taj Muhal was built
    Was built in honor for Mumtaz Muhal who passed.
  • Oliver Cromwell executes Charles I

    Oliver Cromwell executes Charles I
    Father of Charles II who restored the country
  • Thomas Hobbes publishes The Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes publishes The Leviathan
    He thought humans were naturally evil
  • The Restoration of Charles II

    The Restoration of Charles II
  • Isaac Newton formulates Gravity

    Isaac Newton formulates Gravity
    Discovered when an Apple hit him on the head
  • The Glorious Revolution of William and Mary

    The Glorious Revolution of William and Mary
    William and Mary overtook the throne
  • The English Bill of RIghts was signed

    The English Bill of RIghts was signed
  • John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Government

    John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Government
    His ideas were used in Thomas Jefferson's Decleration of Independance
  • King Louis XIV builds Palace of Versailles

    King Louis XIV builds Palace of Versailles
    Built to make enemies envious and provided a home for his Nobles
  • Peter the Great builds St. Petersburg

    Peter the Great builds St. Petersburg
    After winning access to the Baltic Sea through his victories in the Great Northern War, Peter I found the city of St. Petersburg as the new Russian capital.
  • Montesquieu publishes The Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu publishes The Spirit of Laws
    Used to cllassify the classification system
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes The Social Contract

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau publishes The Social Contract
    Talks about peoples freedoms
  • Thomas Jefferson's The Decleration of Independence was ratified

    Thomas Jefferson's The Decleration of Independence was ratified
  • The American colonies win Independence from Great Britian

    The American colonies win Independence from Great Britian
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    Stormed a Prison for Gunpowder
  • The exectution of Louis XIV for Treason

    The exectution of Louis XIV for Treason
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
  • Napoleon is crowned Emperor

    Napoleon is crowned Emperor
    He was exiled and came back to rule for 112 days before being exiled further. Wrothe the Napoleianic Code
  • Congress of Vienna meets

    Congress of Vienna meets
    The Congress of Vienna was a conference of ambassadors of European states
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    His death is questioned of how he died