World Histiory Roman Empire Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Romulous and Remus founded in 753 BCE

    Romulous and Remus  founded in 753 BCE
    Romulus and Remus was born mistakenly
    Rhea Silvia was their mother who was a vestil Virgin
    She got pregnant and had twins Romulus and Remus
    The twin sonsdecided that they were going to take over their town home and named it Rome. They had to defeat thier uncle for it.
  • Feb 1, 1000

    Romans establish a Republican Government 753B.C.-509B.C.

    Monarhical Branch
    Consuls carried on the functions of the former kings, holding supreme civil and military authority in Republican Rome.
    Aristocratic Branch
    It was an advisory branch that was controlled by the senate. It composed of about 300 citizens who served for life
    Democratic Branch
    It was an aseembly of centuriesthat was composed of all members of the Army, and they elected consuls every year.
  • Nov 17, 1049

    Attila the Hun begins attacks on Rome 451 B.C.

    Attila the Hun begins attacks on Rome 451 B.C.
    The Huns have been considered a vicious and violent tribe that originated in central Asia
    After harassing and then negotiating with the Eastern Roman Empire in 451, he began a devastating attack on the Western Empire
    It took a combined force of Romans and Visigoths to defeat the leader.
    After that tthe Attilas continued to attack Itlay but never really threatened Rome again.
  • Nov 16, 1050

    The twelve tables of law is established 450B.C.

    The twelve tables of laws was established.
    It is laws for any one who breakes them get consequences.
    For examople:Table XII.
    5. Whatever the people had last ordained should be held as binding by law.
    Another example:Table IV.
    1. A dreadfully deformed child shall be quickly killed
  • Nov 17, 1090

    Visigoths plunder Rome 410B.C.

    Visigoths plunder Rome 410B.C.
    The Vandals didn't show much muder or violence.
    They didn't burn many buildings either.
  • Nov 17, 1282

    Hannibal begins his march into Italy 218B.C.

    Hannibal begins his march into Italy 218B.C.
    Hannibal wanted to complete his life's tasks and by doing that he wanted to defeat Rome.
    He took 40,000 men and a lot of elephants across Gladiator, into Spain and then to Italy.
    Hannibal and his men have to cross the Alps to get to Italy.
    He loses half of his men but manages to win every battle in Italy except the last one.
    Hannibal is forced to leave to Carthage when his elephants got scared by the Romans.
  • Nov 16, 1385

    Crassus 115 B.C.-53B.C.

    He was a Roman Businessman and Politician.
    He collected an army of 2500 men, and joined Sulla. Crassus won a reputation for himself as a soldier in Sulla's campaigns in Italy.
    Crassus saw Pompey as his great rival, but knew he could not match Pompey's military achievements.
  • Nov 16, 1427

    Spartacus Revolt 73-71 B.C.

    Spartacus Revolt 73-71 B.C.
    Spartacus was a leader who stood up for Rome.
    Spartacus was a freeborn provincial from Thrace, who may have served as an auxiliary in the Roman army in Macedonia. He deserted the army, was outlawed, captured, sold into slavery, and trained at the gladiatorial school of Batiatus in Capua.
  • Nov 16, 1441

    First Triumvirate formed by Pompey

    Julius Caesar organized a coalition
    known as the First Triumvirate, made up of Pompey, commander in chief of the army; Marcus Licinius Crassus
  • Nov 16, 1452

    Julius Caesar Defeats Pompey 48B.C.

    The entire state of Rome was under threat and only one man could stop Caesar - Pompey.
    Pompey didn't possess the troops to take on the invader. So he withdrew his troops from Italy to gain time to train his troops. Caesar tried to stop him but failed.
    Caesar now turned east to deal with Pompey himself.
    Caesar won destroying the force of Pompey, who fled to Egypt. Caesar followed, though Pompey was eventually assassinated on arrival by the Egyptian government.
  • Nov 16, 1453

    Julius Caesar Becomes Dictator For Life 47B.C.

    Julius Caesar Becomes Dictator For Life 47B.C.
    He begun measures to reduce congestion in Rome, draining large tracts of marshy lands, gave full voting rights to the inhabitants of his former province south of the Alps, revised the tax laws of Asia and Sicily, resettled many Romans in new homes in the Roman provinces and reformed the calendar, which, with one slight adjustment, is the one in use today.
    That is a big reason on how he became dictator for life.
  • Nov 16, 1469

    Octavian Defeats Antony and Cleopatra At Actium 31B.C.

    In 31 BC Octavian defeated Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium on the west coast of Greece. Mark Antony and Cleopatra were forced to flee to Alexandria in Egypt. When Octavian's troops surrounded Alexandria, Mark Antony committed suicide by falling on his sword
    Cleopatra was captured by Octavian who planned to take her back to Rome as his prisoner. However, she was determined not to be humiliated in this way and arranged for a poisonous snake to be smuggled into her room in a large box of figs.
  • Aug 10, 1473

    Pax Romana 27BC.-180AD

    Pax Romana 27BC.-180AD
    Pax Romana (Latin for "Roman peace") was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. Since it was established by Caesar Augustus it is sometimes called Pax Augusta. Its span was about 207 years (27 BC to 180 AD).
  • Nov 17, 1473

    Rule of Augustus(Octavian)

    Rule of Augustus(Octavian)
    In 27 B.C., the Roman Senate granted Octavian the name Augustus, meaning “the exalted.” They also gave him the legal power to rule Rome’s religious, civil and military affairs, with the Senate as an advisory body, effectively making him Emperor.
  • Sep 1, 1496

    Jesus Of Nazareth 4B.C.

    Jesus Of Nazareth 4B.C.
    jesus of nazareth
    Jewish prophet born in Bethlehem who gathered disciples in the Galilee and claimed to be the Messiah and whose teachings form the base of the Christian religion
  • Aug 24, 1579

    Pompeii Destroyed 79AD

    Ancient Pomeii
    A City
    August 24, 79AD
    Mt. Vesuvius a volcano erupted
  • Death of Marcus Aurelius and the Pax Romana 180A.D.

    Marcus Aurelius
    The Pax Romana lasted from about 27 B.C. (with Augustus) until A.D. 180 -- the death of Marcus Aurelius.
    180 A.D.
  • Constantine gains the throne 306-337A.D.

    When Maximian and Diocletian abdicated the throne, Constantine’s father became Augustus of the west and Galerius became Augustus of the East. Within a year Constantine was declared Augustus by his father, before his death.
    306 A.D.
    he was the next heir to the throne.
  • Christianity becomes the official religion 313AD-380CE

    On 27 February 380, Emperor Theodosius I enacted a law establishing Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire
    The underground movement grew to an alarming rate that they could hardly contain and the only possible way is to bring them into the open by declaring Christianity as the official religion of the Empire.
  • Capitol Of the Empire moves to Constantinople 330 A.D.

    It was renamed Constantinople 330 A.D. when the Roman emperor Constantine I moved his capital there from Rome
    330 A.D.
    in seek of better economic and military foundations.
  • Fall of The Western Empire 395- 500 B.C.

    Western empire
    Many events throughout the empire's history are considered to have worsened the empire's so called decline. but the sack of Rome in 410, the death of Constantius III in 421, the death of Aetius in 454, and the death of Majorian in 461 are all macrohistorical events concerning the decline of the Western Roman Empire
    395-500 B.C.
    the events listed and much much more proved to be "overwhelming" for the empire.
  • Odoacer ousted emperor of rome

    Odoacer ousted emperor of rome
    Flavius Odoacer
    Odoacer is generally credited with bringing the Western Empire to an end. by removing julius nepos from the western throne in favor of his son, Romulous Augustulus.
    476 AD
    power and prosperous economic advantages