world cultures

  • The Great Northen War

    The Great Northen War
    The war started in february 1700 to august 1721. Russia estubished itself as a new power in europe. Russia gained the three swedish empire and polish lithuanion of commonwealth.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    Decembrist took place on december 26,1825.Russia army led about 3,000 soldiers in protest againt Nicholas.In 1925 the square was renamed decembrist until 2008 when it got it original name back.
  • Czar Nicholas The Second abdicates the russian thorne

    Czar Nicholas The Second abdicates the russian thorne
    Nicholas ruled to 1894 to march or 1917.He was nicknamed Bloody Nicholas because of bloody sunday.Under his rule russia lost the Russo japnese war.
  • Emancipates of the serfs

    Emancipates of the serfs
    This was to help the serfs get freedom. It failed to to past until March 3,1861 just 6 years after Alexanders dealth.
  • Assassination of Alexander the second

    Assassination of Alexander the second
    Alexander travrlled to manege in a closed carrige the street was flanked bynarrow sidewalk. In the public a young man member of Narodnaya Volys movment was carrying a white package which he thew under the horses hoves. That is were alexander past along with the onthers on the street.
  • The Russo Japanese War

    The Russo Japanese War
    The war started on the 8 of february 1904 and ended on the 5 of september 1905. The fights happened in Manchuria,yellow sea and kerean, Peinsula. The results of the war was that Japanese won because russia was poorly organized and the japanese defeated them in many of the battles on land of sea
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody sunday was were demonstratos were marching to present a petition to Tsar Nichotas the seconed were he ordered the people to be guned down. Over 4,000 pepole were killed
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the russian emprie. Worker strikes,peasant unrest, and millitary muitinies.
  • World War One

    World War One
    The war started the 28 of july of 1914 until november 1918. Some of the locations are Europe, African,The middle east also china there are more. When the middle east was found new countries were starting to form.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The march revolution is the collective term for a series of revolutions in russia in 1917 which destroyed the tsarist and created the soviet union.The result of this was the abdication of nicholas the second also Balshevik's takeover of power,the start of the Russian Civil War.