
World at War Timeline

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo 28 June, 1914
  • Austria-Hungary declares war with Serbia

    Austria-Hungary declares war with Serbia
    With the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia dragging both Germany and Russia into the conflict, starting World War I
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    World War I

    28 July, 1914 - 11 November, 1918
  • Middle Eastern theatre of World War I

    Middle Eastern theatre of World War I
    -British Empire against the Ottoman Empire and Arabs.
  • Fall of the German Empire

    Fall of the German Empire
    The defeat of Germany and the harsh terms of the Versailles Treaty eventually led to the rise of Hitler's NSDAP and World War II.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Peace Treaty that brought an end to World War I.
  • Rise of Russia's Soviet Union

    Rise of Russia's Soviet Union
    The creation of the Soviet Union and the introduction of communism in Russia
  • Fall of the Ottoman Empire

    Fall of the Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire dissolves as a result of the lose in World War 1 and during the Young Turk Revolution
  • Hitler's Rise to Power and the Third Reich

    Hitler's Rise to Power and the Third Reich
    Hitler runs for Chancellor of Germany and is appointed by President Hindenburg on January 30, 1933. Hitler enacts the NSDAP (Nazi Party) into the German Government.
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    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust was a genocide in which six million European Jews were killed by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany paramilitary, the Schultzstaffel.
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    Second Japanese Sino War

    7 July, 1937 - 9 September, 1945
  • The Invasion of Poland 1939

    The Invasion of Poland 1939
    Nazi Germany invades Poland on September 1st, 1939, terminating the Treaty of Warsaw. Poland eventually falls under the control of Nazi Germany on October 9th, 1939.
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    World War II

    1 September, 1939 - 2 September, 1945
  • Battle of France

    Battle of France
    France along with Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, fell to the German military within six weeks who used mobile operations and forces.
  • Imperial Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Imperial Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Empire of Imperial Japan launches an attack on Pearl Harbor in the Pacific Islands on December 7th, 1941. This was a message to the United States that they should not interfere with the Sino-War.
  • The dividing of Germany

    The dividing of Germany
    As a result of the loss in World War II, Germany was divided into two sectors, West and East Germany after the Potsdam Conference. West Germany was controlled by the British, French, and American government whereas in East Germany it was controlled by the Russian Government.
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    The Cold War

    As a result of World War II, the United States and Soviet Union went into a rivalry in terms of whom had the most powerful advance nation power such as nuclear power, advanced Air Force, etc.