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Windy's Journey Trough Time

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born on May 7, 1986, at 9:03 a.m. I weighed 5lbs 1oz and was 18 inches long. I was six weeks premature. I was born in Mobile, Alabama at Mobile Infirmary Hospital.
  • Period: to


    I was born on May 7, 1986, in Mobile, Alabama. I was 5lbs 1oz and 18 inches long. I was six weeks premature.
  • Period: to

    From my birth to the present

  • I became a big sister

    I became a big sister
    On October 3, 1989, I became a big sister to a little brother, Johnathan.
  • I started school

    I started school
    In September of 1990, I started kindergarten at Wilmer Elementary School.
  • I started middle school

    I started middle school
    In August of 1997, I started middle school at Semmes Middle School.
  • I became a teenager

    I became a teenager
    On May 7, 1999, I became a teenager.
  • I accepted Christ as my pesonal Lord and Savior

    I accepted Christ as my pesonal Lord and Savior
    In September of 1999, I became a Christian. I was saved on a youth trip to Montgomery, Alabama.
  • I started high school

    I started high school
    In August of 2000, I started high school at Mary G. Montgomery High School.
  • I got my drivers license

    I got my drivers license
    On May 7, 2002, I turned sixteen and got my driver’s license. My first car was 1992 Toyota Corolla.
  • I turnd 18

    I turnd 18
    I turned 18.
  • I Graduated High School

    I Graduated High School
    I graduated from Mary G. Montgomery High School on May 13, 2004.
  • I turned 21

    I turned 21
    On May 7, 2006, I turned 21.
  • I started dating my soul mate

    I started dating my soul mate
    On June 17, 2006, Jared and I officially started dating, even though we had unofficially been together since the previous November.
  • I got engaged

    I got engaged
    On November 28, 2009, I got engaged to my very best friend at bellingrath gardens.
  • I started college

    I started college
    In January 2010, I started college at Faulkner State Community College. I attend school at FSC until May of 2011 when I transferred to the University of South Alabama.
  • I got married

    I got married
    On November 20, 2010, at 5 p.m. I married Jared Powell. We got married at Satsuma First Baptist Church in Satsuma, Alabama. We were married by his grandfather Edward Barlow.
  • I transfered to the University of South Alabama

    I transfered to the University of South Alabama
    In May of 2011, I transferred to the University of South Alabama, where I still attend school.