
By Anyssa
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    Henry Cabot Lodge

    -He served in the U.S. senate.
    -He wanted a stronger navy and increase the U,S, empire.
    -Imperialism-policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    -Theodore Roosevelt was one of mahan's followers.
    -His book focused on advancing state power
    -Mahan spent the next two years making his career in the sea service
    -the sea bought immigrants to the shores of the new nation and served as a base for outward trade.
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    Sanford B. Dole

    -Dole was a lawyer who led the provisional government while it worked out plans for the United States to annex the islands.\
    -When president Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii because of the planters' actions in seizing power, Dole served as Hawaii's president.
    -After the outbreak of the Spanish-American war, congress then voted to annex Hawaii in 1898.
    -Dole served as governor of Hawaii from 1900 to 1903.
    -Dole pineapple company was named after him.
  • USS Maine

    -In January 1898, Maine was sent to Cuba to protect u.s. interests during the Cuban war independence.
    -February 15, the Maine exploded in Havana Harbor killing 266 men.
    -Leaded to the Spanish-American war.
    -Yellow Journalism swept the nation and it's propaganda helped to precipitate military action by the u.s
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    The Spanish War

    cause; U.S. wanted to become a empire, the U.S. intervention for the Cuban patriots against the Spain from 1870's to 1898
    location of war; Manila Bay in the Philippines on May 1, 1898 Cervera led the Spanish to Santiago July 3rd & tried to escape westbound along the coast.
    effects of the treaty; treaty of Paris ended the Spanish War, made U.S. a world power.
    U.S. Military after was; made it's navy stringer, bc the thought a strong nave was essential to defend trade & grow international interest
  • San Juan Hill

    -was a decisive battle of the Spanish-American war.
    -the San Juan heights was a North-South running elevation about 2 kilometers east of Santiago DE Cuba.
    -Rough riders were ordered to engage 760 Spanish soldiers defending the San Juan heights. the battle that mode T.R. famous was actually fought in Kettle Hill
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    -He was a rough rider because he left past as naval secretary to become colonel of the first volunteer Calvary.
    -Roosevelt changes up San Juan hill on has horse while the rough riders followed on foot and he became a hero.
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    Panama Canal

    Built to shorten distance ships had to pass b/w Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
    U.S. made a new country (PANAMA) by negotiating with Panamanian rebels and over thrown Colombian GOV
    Construction of the canal cost thousands of lives and $460 mil
  • Open Door Policy

    cause- they wanted to build an empire United States did not have a sphere of influence of economic activities.
    protect american businessman & investors that American would shut out of china by the European powers.
    US participation would oppose any attempt by others nations to use the rebellion as excuse to dismember china
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    *changed/stated purpose- to change
    Monroe doctrine to keep European nations out of Latin American proverb, based his Latin American policy on a that said "speak softly & carry a big stick" force the US to an international policy power
    **Actually did- US would now use force to protect its economic interest in Latin America.
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    Dollar Diplomacy

    -make america more money
    -took place in Caribbean region
    -U.S. bankers loaned money to Latin american countries if they wouldn't repay loans U.S. marines were sent in to assure repayment was forced.
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    "Weapons of total war" part B

    -canned food;created to feed soldiers during war,made possible thanks to the creation of tinned cans.the food didn't spoil in the man trenches.
    -poison gas;based on mustard gas,used in ww1 but later prohibited by the Geneve protocol of 1925,later by the chemical weapons convention of 1993.
    -tanks;designed for front-lined combat,also used as shield from heavy machinery,had heavy power.
    -airplanes;1st used as a reconnaissance plane for front lines,later equipped w weapons to create a flying weapon
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    "Weapons of total war" part A

    -u boats were used to sink British merchant vessels operating during ww1.
    -land/ water mines were cheaply and faster made and caused large amounts of damage to enemies.
    -machine guns were largely of the heavy variety& decidedly ill-suited to portability for use by rapidly advancing infantry troops.
    -trenches would guard the soldiers from enemies fire.
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    World war 1

    -central powers; Austria, Hungry, German empire,Ottoman empire, Kingdom of Bulgaria, Bosnia, Italy & United Stated
    -triple entente; France, Russia, Great Britain & Japan
    assassination of Archduke Franz Fernidad and his wife were gunned down which led to ww1
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    -Occurred during the first world war, as Germany waged submarine warfare against the UK.
    -Killed 1,198 people.
    -Contributed to the American entry to ww1
  • Sussex Pledge

    promise made in 1916 during world war 1 by Germany to the US
    the Sussex a french cross - channel passenger ferry was torpedoed w/o warning om march 24, 1916 - about 50 lives were taken
  • Zimmerman Telegram ***test

    the Zimmerman telegram was an internal diplomatic communication issued from the Germany foreign office in January 1917 that proposed a military alliance between Germany and Mexico in the event or the United States entering World War 1 against Germany
  • German unrestricted submarine warfare

    -was first introduced in ww1 when Germany declared the area around the British isles a war zone, in which all merchant ships, including those from neutral countries would be attacked by the Germany navy which led to the U.S. into war.
    -submarine sink vessels such as fighters and tankers without warning.
  • Fourteen Point Plan

    -the fourteen point plan were distributed world wide by the government writing for Gorge Creel in the american committee on public information.
    -millions of copies of booklets and pamphlets that explained Wilson's plans were distributed to allied nation; and dropped from planes above Germany.
    -allies agreed to accept the 14th points as the basis for the country peace negotiation if Wilson would agree to two reservations
  • The Battle of Aragonne Forest

    -in 6 weeks the AEF lost 26,277 killed and 95,786 wounded.
    -the objective was the capture of the railroad hub at Sedan which would break the rail net supporting the German Army in France and Flanders and forces the enemies to withdrawal from the occupied territories
  • Alvin York

    -lead attack on the German machine gun nest
    -was one of the most decorated soldiers of the U.S army in ww1
    -received a medal of honor
    - he killed 25 Germans and captured 132 prisoners
  • Supreme Court of Schenk .v. U.S.

    -U.S. Supreme court ruled on March 3, 1919.
    -Schenk responded that the Espionage Act violated the first amendment of the constitution which forbids congress from making any law abridging the freedom of speech.

    -"clear and present danger" test to determine when a state could constitutionally limit on individuals free speech under the first amendment
  • American Expeditionary Force

    -nicknamed AEF
    -consisted of the U.S. army sent to Europe under the command of general John J. Pershing in 1917 to help fight in ww1
    -total of 1.3 million soldiers arrived in France.
    AEF fought in France and British forces against German forces in the last year of the war the men in AEF army were nicknamed Dough boys because of the white belts they wore
  • League of nations

    -intergovernmental organization as a result of the Paris peace Conference
    -purpose was to maintain world peace.
    -weakness-lacked there own armed forces the depended on the great powers, but they were reluctant to help.
    -the league severely weakened when several ,=major powers, such as the U.S. and Russia, failed to join it.
    -league proved incapable of preventing aggression by axis powers & countries started withdrawing from the league.