
Web 2.0

  • Facebook

    Facebook was created so you can post status, photos, blogs, videos, etc. You can reguest someone to be your friend on facebook adn then you can se what they post. It's a good site to keep it touch with friends and family.
  • Social Networking

    Social Networking
    Social networking is the reason why we have apps like twitter, instagram, facebook, etc.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was created so you can post small blogs or make an update or a status on your account. It is called tweeting. You can tweet something and ypur followers will see what you tweeted.
  • Pandora

    A site created to listen to your favorite music stations on your phone or computer.
  • Instagram

    Instagram is a webiste created to post photos and have friends and family view them. You can like other people photos adn comment on their photos also.