War of 1812

  • Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality

    This proclamation said for the U.S. to try and make friendliness or impartialness with hostile or aggressive countries. This had a negative reaction from the people, saying that it was a sellout for the merchants.
  • Jay Treaty

    This was an agreement to ease conflicts between Britain and America so America could build itself. But it was unsuccessful in stopping the impressments.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    This warned people of political parties creating a split in the country and to not set excessive distinctions. It pushed for a strong national government, patriotism, and morality in the government. He said that keeping a friendly and impartial interaction with other countries would avoid making enemies.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    This showed the bad relationship Britain and America had which led up to the 1812 War. This event led up to the Embargo of 1807. America's neutrality wasn't respected.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    This was President Jefferson's response to Britain and France taking American Ships from trade during their conflict. It was meant as a punishment for interfering with trade, but it ended up hurting American economy instead. This was later replaced with the non-intercourse act, which also was a cause of the war.
  • Tecumseh - Battle of Tippecanoe

    An force, led by William Harrison, defeated Shawnee Indians led by Tecumseh's brother. It broke his power and ended the threat of an Indian confederation. To the Indians, this attack seemed unprovoked which led many of them to align with Tecumseh. This was a cause of the 1812 war.
  • Impressment of sailors

    This was the British going onto American Ships and looking for deserters among them from Britain. This was viewed as inhuman and unconstitutional. It was a cause of the war.
  • Tecumseh - Joins the british

    Tecumseh Joined the British when war broke out in 1812. His men were important in defending upper Canada.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    Because of British restrictions on trade and America wanting to expand territory, President Madison signed a declaration of war with Britain.
  • War Hawks

    These were members of congress the Pushed Madison to declare war on Britain. They were pushed by expansionist tendencies and were usually younger men from the south and west.
  • Hartford Convention

    This was a secret meeting of federalists because of opposition to President Madison's mercantile policies as well as the war. This meeting was an important to the downfall of the federalists. They were seen as disloyal to the public.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    This ended conflict Between Britain and America, returning all conquered territory, establishing a boundary between Canada and America, and setting a way to handle future problems. Both countries also decided to work on the end of slave trade.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    After the treaty was signed to end the war, a battle happened in New Orleans that brought Andrew Jackson into fame and stopped the British from invading American Territory. This was America's greatest victory