
War of 1812

  • British Impresment

    British Impresment
    British force 10,000 american sailors to serve them during the war
  • British Blockade

    British Blockade
    British Blockade France and American Ships are caught in the middle. The British sieze about 1,000 American ships
  • Monroey-Pinkey Treaty

    Monroey-Pinkey Treaty
    Thomas Jefferson recieves the Monroey-Pinkey Treaty but decides not to submit it to congress
  • Chesapeake is Fired Upon

    Chesapeake is Fired Upon
    The American ship Chesapeake is Fired upon by British ship Leopard after refusing to be boarded for impressment. This creates an international incident between the Americas and Britian
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    Techmus's brother leads an attack on William Henerys army of 1,000 men.
  • Declare War

    Declare War
    America Declares war, it is known as Madison War or the Second Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Frenchtown

    Battle of Frenchtown
    British and Indian allies drive back americans in Kentucky in a very bloody war.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    America and British diplionmats agree to attitude before the War.