Tarapoto Travel 2018

By nico sc
  • First Day in Tarapoto

    First Day in Tarapoto
    We visited the school in Moyobamba, there we played games and distributed food and had a good time.
    Then we visit the river Cumbaza and part of the Cordillera Azul. We also visit the ethnological museum that tells the whole story of Lamas. Then we went to a viewpoint to see the city of Tarapoto and the native city of Huayco neighborhood and finally we went to the craft center of Warmi Wasi.
  • Second day in Tarapoto

    Second day in Tarapoto
    First we visited the orchid botanical garden, then we went to the thermal baths of San Mateo, then we visited the tioyacu river and finally we visited the Urku rescue center.
  • Third Day in Tarapoto

    Third Day in Tarapoto
    We visited the blue lagoon, after 2 hours of travel we arrived at a cozy jungle village called Sauce on the shores of the Blue Lagoon, we went by boat through the lagoon and arrived at the south bank called Tucuna, there we visited the farmhouse on May 2, then We had lunch in the farm angainza, from there we arrived at the main square where we met an artisan ice cream shop to eat some delicious ice cream
  • Fourth Day in Tarapoto

    Fourth Day in Tarapoto
    We visited the Biodiversity Center of the San Martin National University, from there we went to the waterfalls of Ahuashiyacu, from there we had lunch and afterwards we visited the Chocolate factory and the zoo of Urkus, the objective of this zoo is to take care of the animals of the captive. Finally we returned to the hotel and ate something before our return to Lima.