Russia c

USSR Timeline

By Kayree
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Bolsheviks (a small group of Russian extremists) formed the white army and won. Got rid of monarchy and set up new government for Russia. This is good for the soviet union because the monarchy no longer existed and
  • Treaty of Brest-Livosk

    Treaty of Brest-Livosk
    ): Lenin gives up all the land Catherine the Great gained to Germany. This was good for the country because even though it showed weakness, Lenin was able to focus more on his country and not have so much land to worry about.
  • Creation of the Politburo

    Creation of the Politburo
    Is a the Communist Party's way of electing officials- It also had its own secret police (the KGB) threatening people who stood in the way against party.
  • Last of the Romanovs

    Last of the Romanovs
    the Romanov Dynasty ended in 1917, and had ruled for over 300 years. This means that there will never be a Monarchy in Russia again. After Nicholas II died, they could fully establish their own communist government, because every heir to the throne was assassinated.
  • Stalin's Five Year Plans

    Stalin's Five Year Plans
    Stalin’s plans were set up as goals for Russia. They industrialized the country and made their economy better. They were able to mass-produce goods in factories, unlike before. They also built up cities all over Russia.
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    World War II

    Most widespread war in history, between Allies and Axis powers. Russia, along with the UK and the US were on the Allies and were victors. This was good for Russia because they were able to gain power and boost their economy.
  • JOE 1

    JOE 1
    Joe was the codename for the first nuclear weapon test in Russia. This was a top-secret plan that nobody was supposed to know about. However, this helped Russia because it shows how they are slowly but surely gaining power.
  • Laika and Sputnik 2

    Laika and Sputnik 2
    Laika is a dog that was sent up into space in a shuttle, named Sputnik 2. This was really good for Russia because they were the first nation to send something alive into space.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw pact was a mutual defense treaty between 8 communist states in Eastern Europe in existence during the Cold War. It was offered by Russia in 1955.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    This was the first artificial satellite put into Earth’s orbit. This was good for Russia because it shows how technologically advanced they were.
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    This was the most powerful bomb ever detonated. It was tested in the Kola Peninsula. This was good and bad for Russia, but I think it was good because it shows how much power they had.
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    Berlin Wall

    Russia’s idea to split the capitol of Germany to keep the democratic side under control. This wall was around West Berlin. Russia wanted to gain control as a way to separate things to keep from an uprising. Although in 1989, there was uprising and the wall was knocked down. This is good for Russia because it shows they have a lot of power and take advantage of that.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    This invasion was because of the Nazi annexation. Czechoslovakia went against the Warsaw Pact. This was good for Russia because the Czechs were going to liberalize and go against foreign policy, and Russia stopped them.
  • SALT 1

    SALT 1
    this lead to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. It was a meeting between the USSR and the US about the issue of armament control.
  • Soviet-Afghan War

    Soviet-Afghan War
    This was a 9 year war in Afghanistan. the USSR was helping the Marxist-Lennist government against the Afghan-Mijahideen guerilla movement. This was bad for the soviets because it was pretty much their " Vietnam".
  • SALT 2

    SALT 2
    The United States chose not to ratify, due to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. It was a controversial experiment between the US and USSR. Was supposed to halt the manufacture of nuclear weapons. This was ultimately good for Russia because the soviets disarmed their nuclear weapons, which meant they couldn’t be used on anyone.
  • Glasnost

    This was a policy which called for increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union. This was good for Russia because the people now had a say in their government.
  • Gorbachev becomes Leader

    Gorbachev becomes Leader
    The only leader who attempted to improve foreign relations. He made Russia more democratic and the Russians weren't ready for that.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl Disaster
    this was a catastrophic nuclear accident that happened at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. There were very large amounts of radioactive material all over the Ukraine. This was really bad for Russia because they hurt a lot of their people due to their greed for power.
  • Perestroika

    Political movement in the Soviet Communist Party widely associated with Gorbachev; known to be the end of the Cold War.
  • Free Elections

    Free Elections
    The "Fall of Communism". In 1989 they were finally allowed to elect their own leaders, and not be forced to listen to a dictator
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    Voting Reforms by Gobachev

    he opened up freedoms in Russia. Anybody could run for a legislative seat, not just a communist. He also opened up freedom of speech. This was good for Russia because they’ll finally be able to be modernized with the rest of the world and no longer be looked down on.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    There were loopholes in the wall for years when it was still standing, but finally protests made the government tear the wall down. This was good for Russia because this wall was Russia's idea in the first place and it was looked down on, but now that it was knocked down, Russia wasn't looked down on as much. Also, the people of Germany were free'd and not walled in.
  • Lithuania and Latvia Protests

    Lithuania and Latvia Protests
    The "Baltic Way" was a peaceful protest. about 2 million people joined hands over 370 miles across the Baltic states to show their desire for independance and soliderity between three nations.
  • Gorbachev Steps Down

    Gorbachev Steps Down
    Gorbachev, a leader for 7 years, stepped down and Russia was taken over by the Commonwelth of Independant States. He left because the people didnt feel comfortable with him. This was good for Russia because a leader was finally doing what the people wanted, not what he wanted.
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes President

    Boris Yeltsin becomes President
    He was the first president of the Russian Federation.He reformed Russia and this was good because he was starting to make things better for the nation.