Puerto rico newel

U.S. Imperialism:Puerto Rico

  • Puerto Rican transfer to US

    Puerto Rican transfer to US
    The dynamics of the power imbalance Puerto Rico was formaly transfered to US because it is near the Carribean
  • Treaty ends Spanish American War!

    Treaty ends Spanish American War!
    America gains control of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam.
  • Foraker Law is approved

    Foraker Law is approved
    The Foraker Law is approved establishing civil government and free comerce between the island and the states.
  • First Governer in San Juan

    First Governer in San Juan
    First governer is Charles H. Allen in San Juan due to the Foraker Act.
  • Law Establishing Official Coat of Arms

    Law Establishing Official Coat of Arms
    Law establishing Coat of Arms signed.
  • President Roosevelt recommends that Puerto Ricans become U.S. Citizens

    President Roosevelt recommends that Puerto Ricans become U.S. Citizens
    During a visit to Puerto Rico President Roosevelt adressed the Puerto Rican Congress that Puerto Ricans should become U.S. citizens.
  • Puerto Rico Taken Over!

    Puerto Rico Taken Over!
    3,300 soilders move into Puerto Rico.