
US Imperialism

  • Hawaii becomes a protectorate of the US

    Occured through economic treaties. This led a ton of American businessmen to move to Hawaii and pretty much take over Hawaiin politics.
  • Annexation of the Dominican Republic

    Annexation of the Dominican Republic
    Grant wrote a letter to the Senate on his views regarding the acquisition of the Dominican Republic. He believed that it would eventually do both the US and the Dominican Republican harm, but that the acquisition was beneficial to the US because of the Dominican Republic's prime geographical location, desirable climate, and abundance of natural resources.
  • Bayonet Constitution

    The US citizens who moved to Hawaii and gained political power pass a new Hawaiin constitution which strips the monarchy of its power.They used military force to coerce the King into signing this new constitution.
  • Mckinley Tariff passed

    Drastically raised the price of imports from Hawaii to the US, and wealthy businessmen in Hawaii such as Dole sought an annexation of Hawaii to the US in order to make trade more profitable.
  • Queen Liliuokalani takes the Hawaiin throne

    Queen Liliuokalani takes the Hawaiin throne
    In response to the people of Hawaii's negative reaction to the Bayonet Constitution she begins writing her own, new, constitution. Would reinstitute veto rights of the monarchy and reenfranchise poor native Hawaiins who had been disenfranchised by American businessmen in power, Stanford B. Dole and other American and European businessmen threw her in jail so they could maintain power.
  • Republic of Hawaii Developed

    Sanford B. Dole is the first president of this newly established republic. Grover Cleveland's administration wanted the Queen put back in power because they just kicked her out so the wealthy businessmen could make more money, but Mckinley didn't really do anything to stop them.
  • Mckinley makes Hawaii a US territory

    Mckinley makes Hawaii a US territory
    Mckinley makes Hawaii a US territory largely to benefit businessmen like Sanford B. Dole.
  • DeLome Letter

    DeLome Letter
    The Spanish Ambassador to the US wrote a letter completely bashing the US President McKinley. This letter was stolen, published, and sensationalized to generate desire to go to war with Spain.
  • Sinking of the USS Maine

    Sinking of the USS Maine
    The USS Maine was sent to Havana, Cuba to protect Americans in Cuba. An explosion destroyed the ship and led to the death of 268 sailors. The US newspapers sensationalized the event to put pressure on the US government to go to war with Spain, McKinley then asks for an armistice under certain conditions. Spain agrees to most, and McKinley requests war with Congress anyways and they declare war on Spain.
  • Period: to

    Spanish-American War

    Caused by yellow journalism led by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, fought by Rough Riders and Buffalo Soldiers, ended by Treaty of Paris, and caused the US to control Caribbean and Philippines.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Officially ends Spanish-American war. Annexes Guam, the Philippines, and Puerto Rico to the US. Cuba gains official independence, but the US gets a ton of influence in Cuba.
  • Josiah Strong

    Josiah Strong
    Believed in Imperialist goals as a form of Social Darwinism in which he thought that because American civilization was superior to all others, it was the duty of America to spread and diffuse their culture and society to others.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    Influential military strategist who believed it was necessary to increase the strength of the Navy in order for the US to be able to stay powerful and relevant in the new technological age. The practice of his beliefs gave the US the might to Imperialism and presented Imperialism as a need in order to develop the Navy (ships needed stop off points to refuel and restock supplies).
  • Platt Amendment

    Cuba becomes a protectorate of the US. The US then constructs a military base at Guantonimo Bay.
  • Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

    Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
    Roosevelt asserts that the United States will uphold the Monroe Doctrine with force. European nations are warned to stay out of the Western Hemisphere, so that the neighboring nations of the US may prosper. Leads to the Spanish-American war.
  • Gentleman's Agreement

    Japan had recently won a war with Russia, and felt like they had a right to equality on the world stage. However, they were highly discriminated against in California. Roosevelt makes the Gentleman's Agreement which stated that the existing Japanese in America would not be discriminated against and their families could join them, but that no more passports would be issued to Japanese looking for work in America. The agreement was never passed in Congress, so it only lasted to the 1920s.
  • Purchase of Virgin Islands

    The US purchased the Virgin Islands from Denmark due to the naval threat of Germany in WWI.