US Expansionism-John Lopez

  • Period: to


  • Acquisition of Hawaii

    The Kingdom of Hawaii was overthrown causing it to be Annexed to the U.S.A
    Hawaii was then used for sugar and pineapple plantations
  • Spanish American War Begins

    was a conflict between Spain and the U.S, the result of U.S. intervention in the Cuban War of Independence.
    April 25, 1989
    People Involved: William McKinnley, Charles A. Wikoff
    Foreign Policy: We were in a war with Spain
  • Assasination of Archuduke Ferdinand

    He was killed by a serbian and serbia and their central powers were like no boo boo you aint going to war with me so these so called aliances were like were going to war hunny
  • Beginning of WWI

  • Panama Canal

    A canal extending SE from the Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama. 40 miles (64 km) long. It created a shortcut through Panama so that countries didnt have to go all the way around south america and the US could collect fees for passing through the Canal.