Unit 5 Exam

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    Mergence of the German Empire and the Alliance System

    The new German nation and countries forming alliances and pagues with each other across Europe.
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    Expansion of Eurpean Power and New Imperialism

    European Nation states that imperialized Africa and become the most advanced part of the world, creating a global trading system.
  • New Imperialism

    Expansion driven by developments in science, agriculture, technolohy, communication, transportation, and military weapons.
  • European Culture and Christianity

    Bring culture in the form religion would make these regions less "backwards"; Colonies would attract Europe's surplus population; European emigrant actually preferred areas not controlled by their home countries in North and South America
  • Economic Theories by J.A. Hobson and Lenin

    This theory viewed imperialism as a monopolistic for of capitalism.
  • Depression of 1873-1896

    A dperession that affected mostly Europe and The United States.
  • Threee Emperors League

    Bismark formed the Three Emperors League which brought together Germany, Austria, and Russia, but the league would collapse because of Austria and Russian rivalry in the Balkans.
  • Congress of Berlin

    Resulted in Russia significant loss of terriotry and a new tension arose between Germany Russia.
  • Raw Materials

    Materials that came from colonies in Africa, India, and China. These materials consisted of things like diamonds and silk.
  • Dual Alliance

    Germany and Austria signed the Dual Alliance where they would protect each other if either country was attacked by Russia.
  • Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894

    New Alliances led to the Franco-Russian alliance of 1894 and a new tension arose between Britain and Germany.
  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance Entente Britain, France and Russia was now posed against the Triple Alliance of Germny, Ausria and Italy
  • Triple Entente

    Britain concluded agreements with the French in 1902 known as the Entente Cordaiale.
  • Balkan Crisis

    Both Serbia and Austria-Hungary wanted to expand into the a Balkans. This led to tension between Russia and Germany.
  • Morocco Crisis

    A second crisis in Morocco occured in 1911 when Germany portested French occupation of the region; Germnay Sent the Panther gunboat to protect German interests; Negotiations allowed France to stablish a protectorate in Morocco and gave Germany some land in the French Congo; Increase of British fear and hostility toward Germany and a closer alliance with France
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    A war that broke out in Europe form tensions and was faought all around the world.
  • Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand

    Archduke Ferdinand dies by assassination; Austrian heir to the throne was killed by a Bosnian nationlism would spur the outbreak of war; Serbia's involvement with the plot provoed outrage in Europe; Germany agreed to supoort Austria in an attack on Serbia and war was declared in July but did not begin until August.
  • March 1917 overthrow of tasarist government

    A Russian Revolution overthrew the tsarist government of Nicholas II.
  • Duma

    Stikes worker demonstrations erupted, the tsar abdicated, the government fell to the members of the reconvened Duma.
  • The Bolshevik wing

    The Social Democratic party had been working agianst the provisional government; Vladimir Lenin Demanded that political powers got the soviets which were councils of workers and soldiers controlled by the Menshevik wing, a group of orthodox Marxist
  • Bolshevik rule of Russia

    Vladimir Lenin took power over Russia.
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    The Russia Revolution

    Revolution against the current Tsars.
  • Little Entente

    Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia formed the LIttle Entente, and allaince designed to prevent the revision of the Paris Treaty
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Talks held by every nation in the war except the soviet union and Germany
  • League of Nations

    A league that would join together like a modern day U.N.
  • Fourteen point plan

    Germany agreet to accept defeat and sought peace, and included a creation of the league of Nations
  • Benito Mussolini

    rose up (in response to the threat of Bolshevism) as a fascist- a term used to describe right wing dictators that arose between wars.
  • Labour government

    A socialistic in platform but democratic and non-revolutionary
  • Europe's loss of financia dominance

    Numerous post-war economic problems brought on because of the numerious casualties of war.
  • Changes in market and tade conditions

    The reparations and debt structure of the peace made all European nations uncertain.
  • Communist Party in Soviet Union

    The Bolshevik gains in Russia Resulted in the Communist Party in the Soviet Union; Communist leaders sought to spread their idealogy around the world
  • Black Shirt March

    Fascist marched on Rome led to Mussolini becoming Prime Minister.
  • Facist

    Facist movements were nationalistic
  • Emergence of United States

    United States had become less dependednt on European production and was a major competitor.
  • Role of Union in Governments

    Unions played a greater role in government because of wartime prodcution.
  • Fear of Communisim

    Fear of Communism and resolve to stop it spread became a major force in United States and Europe ( Red Scares)
  • Cheka

    a new secrete police
  • Comintern and consequences for rest of Europe

    Divided the political left; created a vacuum of power for right wing politicians; Led to rise of Fascists and Nazis
  • Joseph Stalin

    Had a right wing view that was oposite of Leon Trotsky
  • Leon Trotsky

    A left wing man that spoke for agricultural collectivization, rapid industrialization, and new revolution in other states
  • War Communism

    Bolsheviks took control of all major industries and financial and transportation
  • Nikolai Bukharin

    manipulated the group called continuation of Lenin;s NEP and slow industrialization
  • Reperations and war debts

    made international trade, capital investment, and day to day business difficult
  • Long year monatorium

    payments of international debt (huge blow to French Economy
  • German Nationalism

    An idea that was used by Adolf Hitler
  • National Governmet

    coalition ministry, National Government, which consisted of Labour, Conservative, and Liberal ministers
  • Adolf Hitler

    arrived on the political scene around the time French occupation of the Ruhr sent inflation soaring, enemployment spead thoughout Germany
  • Anti-Semitist

    An ideal used by Adolf Hitler
  • Rapid Industrialization

    A rapid movement to industrial the country
  • Important Duties Bills

    10% tax on imports except those from British Empire
  • Popular Front

    all left wing parties in France was formed as a means of pressing social and political reform.
  • Great Purges

    a new party structure completely subservient to Stalin