Unit 4 timeline (Mueggenborg)

By vierah
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    The Industrial Revolution

    The use of steam engines, factories, and better transportaions and communication that resulted in better economy, and living conditions
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    Toussaint L' Ouverture

    The leader of the Haitian Revolution. His military genius and political background established an independent black state of Haiti, and ended slavery
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    French & Indian War

    A war over land in North America between the French and the Native Americans against the British. It was part of the seven years war.
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    Louis XVI

    King of France and Navarre. During the French Revolution he was killed along with his wife
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    Marie Antoinette

    she was an archduchess of Austria and the Queen of France and Navarre. She was Austrian and not liked by french people. During the French Revolution the monarchy was overthrown and she was killed along with her husband Louis XVI.
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    Seven Years War

    located in Europe, Africa, India, North America, South America, the Philippine Islands.
    British Vs. France and Spain
    Prussia Vs. Austria
    Resulted in the Treaty of Saint Petersburg
    Treaty of Paris
    Treaty of Hubertusburg
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    Watt's steam engine

    Improved Newcomen's device which was a machine that transformed energy realeased by burning fuel into motion. Later used for locomotives, powering ships, and machinery in factories.
  • Spinning Jenny

    mechanically drew cotton fiber out and twisted it into thread
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    Emperor of the French during the French Revolution. Napeleonic wars which sought to spread revoutionary ideas around Europe.
  • Water Frame

    Produced strong enough thread to be used without linen
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    American Revolution

    A fight for American independence from the British
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    French Revolution

    Resulted in replacement of the French monarchy with democratic republic. Social change based on Enlightenment principles of citizenship and inalienable rights. Created conflicts with other European countries
  • Declaration of the rights of man

    Fundamental political rights came from the French Natioal Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution
  • Storming of Bastille

    Bastille was where royalty lived revolters stormed it in Paris and it started the french revolution
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    Haitian Revolution

    A fight for independence in Saint-Domingue, which led to an elimination of slavery and the founding of the Haitian Republic
  • Whitney's Cotton Gin

    simple device that seperates the bolls or seedpods from the fiber and made cotton growing economical
  • Britain outlaws Slave Trade

    Was an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom called An Act for the Abolition of the Slave Trade
  • Mexican Independence

    conflict between the people of Mexico and the Spanish colonial authorities involving guns
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    Congress of Vienna

    It was a congress of ambassadors of European States. The objectie was to settle disputes over the French Revolutionary Wars, the Napoleonic Wars, and the breaking up of the Holy Roman Empire. Resulted in the redrawing of the continent's political map
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Where Napoleon was defeated in Belgium after he escaped his exile.
  • End of Atlantic Slave Trade

    Britain physically prevented africans from being exported
  • Brazilian Independence

    declared by the heir to the portuguese throne
  • Dissolution of the janissaries

    The sultan created a new artillery unit, the Jannissaries rebelled and were bombed by the sultans order
  • Greek Independence

    Russia, France and Great Britain forced the Ottomans to recognize Greek independence
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    Afrikaners Great Trek

    They left British ruled Cape Colony for a plateu in the North. Created 3 regions: the Afrikaner Orange Free State, Transvaal on the high veld, and British colony of Natal on Indian Ocean Coast
  • Telegraph

    In England, wheatstone and cooke invented the 5-wrie telegraph and in America Samuel Morse invented Morse code
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    Opium Wars

    Wars between Britain and the Qing Empire because Qing refused to let opium be imported. British won and imputed the Treaty of Nanking.
  • Revolutions in Austria, germany, hungary and italy

    began in France, with the French Revolution of 1848. a demand for more liberalism and democracy. led by middle class and regular workers
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    Taiping Rebellion

    A christian rural rebellion against the Qing Empire. Most destructive Civil War.
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    Crimean War

    Between Russia and Ottoman Empire. Fought in the Crimean Peninsula. Britain and France sent troops tp support Ottoman to prevent Russian expansion.
  • Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan

    Demanded Japan to open ports so American Ships can refuel and get supplies from California to China. They went through
  • Sepoy Rebellion

    A revolt of Indian soldiers against practices that violated their religious customs.
  • Britain takes over India

    mutiny of sepoys, Indian troops under British officers and discipline, ended with the ending of the company and direct control by the British government
  • Aswan Dam

    U.S started to build it for Egypt but stopped because they turned to soviet union for arms. Soviet Union finished it.
  • Emancipation of the Russian Serfs

    The Tsar Alex II freed them because of the desire to strengthen the bond between monarchy and people and to promote industrialization by increasing labor pools
  • Meiji Restoration

    Political program that followed the destrucion of Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868. A group of young leaders that tried to get Japan centralized, industrialized, and imperialized.
  • Suez Canal

    dug across isthmus Suez in Egypt. Designed by Ferdinand De Lesseps. shortened sea voyage between Europe and Asia. led to British conquest of Egypt.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    In China. The rightous fist rose up against foreignors with help of Cixi
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    Overthrow of Qing Dynasty

    between Imperial forces of the Qing Dynasty and the revolutionary forces of the Chinese Revolutionary Alliance.
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    African National Congress

    to obtain equal voting and civil rights for blacks in South Africa. It changed its name in 1923 but still around.
  • Panama Canal

    Ship Canal that cut across Isthmus of Panama by th U.S. Shortened the voyage between East and West coast of North America. U.S gave it to Panama in 2000