
Unit 4 Ap World History Timeline

  • Period: Jan 31, 1299 to

    Ottoman Empire

    Impact: They conquered the Byzantine Empire which had lasted for more than 1000 years.
    Synopsis: They were the longest lasting Muslim Empire that expanded to most of Southeast Europe.
    Significance: They had a skilled army and they were the longest lasting Islamic empire.
  • Period: Oct 28, 1394 to Dec 29, 1460

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Impact: His promotion of the studies of navigation improved Portugal mariners and encouraged sea expeditions of the Atlantic Ocean.
    Synopsis: He was the Prince of Portugal who promoted the studies of navigation, and opened a school for navigation. he also encouraged sea exploartion.
    Signifcance: He was the Prince! He improved the Porteguese sea skills and promoted trade.
  • Sep 29, 1420

    Songhai Empire

    Impact: the fall of the Songhai empire led to a decrease in trade among the Sub-Saharan trade in Western Sudan.
    Synopsis: it was a great empire in West Africa. They established their wealth through trade and were Muslim. They faced a challenge fromt he Northwestern Kingodom of Morocco but were defeated.
    Significance: It was a commercial center for the Sub-Saharan Trade but when defeated the prisoners of war were sold off as slaves.
  • Nov 6, 1440

    Beginning of Porteguese Slave Trade

    Beginning of Porteguese Slave Trade
    Impact: Began the trading of slaves from Africa.
    Synopsis: In order to fund the studies of navigation prmoted by Henry the navigator, the Porteugese began to sell Africans they've captured as slaves.
    Significance: The Porteguese took prisoners from Africa and the canary islands, this shows that they were excellent mariners.
  • Period: Aug 31, 1451 to Dec 14, 1481

    Reign of Mehmed the Conquerer

    impact: he was responsible for bringing the end to the Byzantine Empire.
    Synopsis: He was a sultan as well as a military campaign leader that laid siege of Constantinople using a enoromous cannon to break the city walls.
    Significance: He brought power and expanded the Ottoman Empire and made it seem unstoppable.
  • Period: May 14, 1464 to Oct 28, 1493

    Reign of Sunni Ali

    Impact: he brought great wealth to the Songhai Empire and greatly expanded the empire thorugh militray conquests.
    Synopsis: he was a Muslim leader who became known as a tyrant to one and an ingenious military leader to another. He expanded the Songhai empire and in his reign promoted trade and education.
    Significance: he conquered alot of land in Africa which resulted in the expansion of the Songhai Empire.
  • Period: Mar 1, 1483 to Dec 31, 1530

    Mughal Dynasty

    Impact: The Mughal Dynasty forced Hindus and Muslims to coexist in India. It also provoked conversions form Hindu to Muslim to increase in India.
    Synopsis: It was founded by Babur, a descendant of Timur, who defeated the last Muslim sultanof Delhi in 1526. His descendants expanded the empire to all but the southern tip of India.
    Significance: The Mughal Dynasty followed the Ottoman Empire and conquered most of India.
  • Nov 8, 1488

    Dias' first voyage into the Indian Ocean

    Dias' first voyage into the Indian Ocean
    Impact: Portugal had found a faster way to trade with India. They expanded their trading empire as they conquered other trading centers on the east side of Africa.
    Synopsis: In 1488, an explorer named Bartolomeu Dias became the first Porteguese mariner to go around the southern tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean.
    Significance: This led to the introduction of direct trade between India and Portugal. Portugal xpanded their trading empire.
  • Nov 26, 1492

    Columbus' first voyage

    Columbus' first voyage
    Impact; Columbus' discovery of the Americas increased trade interaction between the New and Old Worlds. It ended the prior isolation that the Americas had.
    Synopsis: Columbus was trying to find a faster route to India to beat the Portueguese in trade but instead found the Americas.
    Significance: his discovery led to the colonization of the Americas, the columbian exchange(named after him) and eventually the Atlantic trading system.
  • Sep 26, 1500

    Columbian Exchange

    Impact: the Natives of the Americas were introduced to new crops and animals, people, ideas and cultures and disease. The Old World expericened the same, they got new crops, animals, resources but not disease.
    Synopsis; When the Spanish, French, Dutch, Porteguese, and the English came to the Americas, they established colonies and trade that became known as the Columbian exchange!
    Significance: Led to th the Atlantic Circuit and Atlantic system of trade. Increased slave and crop trade.
  • Period: Nov 26, 1500 to

    Russian Empire.

  • Period: Mar 13, 1501 to

    Safavid Empire

    impact: By the Order of Ismail, the shah of Iran, Irane became Shi'ite Muslims. This caused Iran to become segregated from its neighboring countries,
    Synopsis; the safvid empire was located in Iran and was primarily a Shi'ite Islam empire. It was founded by Ismail who was only 16 years at the time.
    Signifcance: This empire greatly resembled the qualitilites of the Ottoman Empire becuase it focused also on land rather than sea power and had an all important calvary.
  • Period: Feb 28, 1502 to Aug 29, 1520


    Impact: the Aztec Empire fell with the Arrival of Cortes and his coquistadores due to Moctezuma death, disease, and rebellion.
    Synopsis: He was the current emperor of the Aztec Empire when Hernan Cortes arrived.He welcomed Cortes believing him to be a god of their Aztec religion. He ws later killed in battle when Cortes betrayed him
    Significance: he allowed Cortes to arrive into the capital of tthe Aztec Empire, his death allowed Cortes to seize the empire.
  • Mar 1, 1520

    Spanish Conquest of Mexico

    Spanish Conquest of Mexico
    Impact: the Aztec empire fell, the Spanish increased the empire and founded the colonies in Mexico. They found gold, natural resources, and new crops to trade in the Old World and New World.
    Synopsis: Hernan Cortes and his group of Conquistadores came in search of gold, slaves, and to establish trade in the name of Spain. In the process, they defeated the Aztec empire.
    Signifcance: Spain expended their empire economically and geographically. They introduced products from the New World with trade
  • Period: Jul 4, 1520 to Dec 25, 1566

    Reign of Suleyman the Magnificient

    Impact: He expanded the Ottoman empire and the Ottoman Empire had become one of the worlds foremost powers. When he died however his empire fell soon after.
    Synopsis: Became known as Suleyman "the Lawgiver," he commanded the greatest ottoman assualt on Europe, and was considered unstoppable until his death.
    Significance: His reign was considered the GOLDEN AGE of Ottoman Rule.
  • Nov 4, 1520

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Impact: Catholics converted into Protestants which led to a decline in the supporters of the Catholic Church. the Protestant Reformation eventually led to the Catholic Reformation.
    Synopsis: He objected indulgences that the Catholic Church were selling to fund for the Basilica and rejected the authority of the pope, which eventually led to his seperation of the church and started the Protestant reformation
    Synopsis: He founde the Protestant religion and the Protestant Reformation
  • Nov 26, 1530

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    Impact: His teachings led to a more stict but simpler life that came with the reformed faith that he founded known as Calvinism
    Synopsis: He was inspired by Luther's Protestant reformation and beuse he was an influential Protestant leader, he converted some Protestants into Calvinists.
    SIgnificance: He was the leader and founder of the Calvinists.
  • Period: Jun 10, 1543 to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    Impact: Quality of roads and maritime transports improved and Edo became one of the largest cities in the world, with nearly one million inhabitants in the city alone.
    Synopsis; A shogun named Tokugawa Ieyasu established a new military government known as the Tokugawa Shogunate. It created Edo which became later knwon as Toyko
    Significance: Promoted development of the Japanese economy and formation of other trading centers.
  • Period: Jun 7, 1545 to Aug 28, 1563

    Council of Trent

    impact: Through the actions and procedures of the Council of Trent, they helped the Roman Cathloic Church gain some followers they had lost because of the Protestant Reformaton.
    Synopsis: the Council of Trent was part of the Catholic Reformation that convincd some people that the Cathloic church was on the redempt itself from its once corrupt ways.
    Signifcance: they reaffrirmed the supremacy of the pope, and promoted other reforms like the socity of the Jesuits,
  • Period: Aug 5, 1556 to

    Reign of Akbar

    Impact: Akbar took over almost all of India and as a result, Hindus and Muslims were able to coexsist due to his reign, Developed a central government system and foreign trade increased.
    Synopsis: He conquered Most of India throguh military campaigns and was considered a military genius.
    Signifcance: His reign became known as the golden age of the Mughal empire.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    impact: his discoveries challeged the authorities of the church, who beforehand, was the source of reason. They also played a role in the Scientific Revolution.
    Synopsis: He invented the telescope in 1609, that helped him discover that the moon had mountains and valleys, the sun had spots, and planets ahd their own moons,
    Signifcance: He played a role in the Scentfic revoultion.
  • Period: to

    Manchus Empire

    Impact: the 40 year conquest of Ming territory incorporated Taiwan for the first time in Imperial China. The Manchu Empire later bcame known as the Qing Dynasty.
    Synopsis: the Manchus were primarily farmers located in a part north of korea that eventually became stronger, and developed into a powerful army that took over Ming China.
    Significance: The MAnchus started the basis of the Qing Dynasty.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    Impact: They were ruled by the minority popualtion known as the Manchus, who eventually adopted Chinese institutions and policies.
    Synopsis: The Qing Dynasty was headed by a Manchu family who was the minority of the Chinese population.
    SIgnificance: the Qing Dynasty is also known as the Manchu Empire.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Impact: He encouraged Russians to adopt Western European trends and culture. He became knwon as the greatest tsar of the Romanovs and made major changes to reduce Russia's isolation.
    Synopsis: He took the control of the government from his sister Sophia. He was a great military leader and he expanded the Russian empire in both wealth and size.
    Significance: His efforts to turn Russia away fro isolation and cntact from asian culture were sucessful. He brought power to the Russians.