Unit 1

  • Period: 105 to 167

    St. Paul the Postle (5-67 CE)

    St. Paul took the gospel of christ to the 1st century world.
  • Period: 127 to

    Pax Romana (27 BCE - 280 CE)

    A long period of relative peace and little expansion by military force.
  • 133

    Jesus (33 BCE)

    Christian Messiah. Major part of christian religion.
  • 165

    Buddhism arrives in China (65 CE)

    Buddhism arrives in China (65 CE)
    Buddhists spread their religion to China, during the Han Dynasty.
  • 170

    Second Temple of Jerusalem Destroyed (70 CE)

    Second Temple of Jerusalem Destroyed (70 CE)
    Romans destroy the Second Temple of Jerusalem, along with the entire city of Jerusalem in 70 CE.
  • Period: 206 to 420

    Han Dynasty (206 BCE- 220 CE)

    An age of economic prosperity in an Imperial Dynasty.
  • 220

    Woodblock Printing Developed (220 AD)

    Used for printing books, texts, and images.
  • 250

    Theravada Doctrine Codified(250 BCE)

    The more conservative version of Buddhism, and a school of Hinayana Buddhism
  • Period: 256 to Sep 20, 1100

    Zhou Dynasty (1100-256 BCE)

    Introduction of Iron in China. Following the Shang Dynasty, before the Qin Dynasty. Highest point of bronze use was during Zhou Dynasty.
  • 300

    Bantu Migration reaches South Africa (300 CE)

    Bantu Migration reaches South Africa (300 CE)
    Proto-Bantu speaking peoples migrate into southern africa. The primary evidence is the similarity in languages spoken in subequatorial africa.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Agreeance between Roman Emporer Constantine I and Licinius to treat Christians benevolently
  • Period: 320 to 550

    Gupta Empire (320-550 CE)

    Peace and prosperity under leadership of the Guptas. Pursuit of science, politics, math, and other knowledge in this time period. It is considered the golden age of India.
  • 330

    Roman Capital moves to Constantinople (330 CE)

    It was founded by Roman Emporer Constantine I.
  • 356

    Alexander the Great(356-323 BCE)

    Alexander the Great(356-323 BCE)
    Leader of Macedon, expanded the empire from Greece to Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Himalayas, and everything in between.
  • Period: 400 to 500

    Greek CIty-States at Height (500-400 BCE)

    Most advanced pre-industrial economy, most advanced in the world at the time. Average worker's take home pay was 12 kilograms of wheat. It's three times Egyptian pay during the Roman period.
  • 434

    Attila the Hun(434-454 CE)

    Attila the Hun(434-454 CE)
    Expanded the Hun Empire from Western Russia to the Rhine, and included most of Eastern Europe.
  • Jan 1, 606

    Babylonian Empire (605-539 BCE)

    Babylonian Empire (605-539 BCE)
    Ancient Akkadian-Speaking semitic empire, who expanded from Mesopotamia into Egypt.
  • Period: Sep 20, 1122 to

    Shang Dynasty (1766-1122 BCE)

    The ancient chinese dynasty following the Xia, and before the Zhou dynasties. The bronze age happened during Shang Dynasty.
  • Sep 25, 1400

    Height of Egyptian CIvilization (1400 BCE)

    Occured during the New Kingdom, when Egypt strengthened it's borders and diplomatic ties to other nations.
  • Period: Sep 27, 1550 to

    Phoenicia (1550 BCE-300 BCE)

    Major Mediterranean trader, developed the Bireme. The Bireme is mostly a galley with double stacked oars.
  • Hittites develop Iron (2000 BCE)

    Hittites use chariots in their military. They lived in the bronze age, but were the first to develop iron.
  • Sack of Rome (387 BCE)

    The first sack of Rome, in 387 BCE by the Gauls.
  • Invention of Gunpowder(900 CE)

    Invention of Gunpowder(900 CE)
    Chinese develop Gunpowder (Tang Dynasty). Used in artillery and cannonballs against invaders.
  • Period: to 565

    Justinian (482-565 CE)

    Last Roman Emporer to speak latin. Wrote law code that is still in use today.
  • Period: to 550

    Confucius (550-479 BCE)

    Confucious was the founder of many moral and ethical principles for society and for the governing of people. -Confucianism.
  • Period: to 563

    Siddhartha Gautama(563-483 BCE)

    Lifetime of Siddhartha Gautama was 563-483 BCE. Gautama founded Buddhism
  • Period: to

    Lifetime of Socrates (469-399 BCE)

    Socrates, one of the founders of western philosophers.
  • Harappan Civilization at Height (2500 BCE)

    Harappan Civilization at Height (2500 BCE)
    The Indus Valley Civilization was fluorishing at this time. We can't decipher their texts, and as a result don't currently know the details of the time period.
  • Period: to

    Regular use of Bronze in Egypt and Mesopotamia (3150-2900 BCE)

  • Cuneiform Writing Begins(3,300 BCE)

    Cuneiform Writing Begins(3,300 BCE)
    Cuneiform is a Logographic and Syllablic language system. At the time(3300 BCE), it was written on clay tablets with papyrus reeds.