Konge er klam


By MoG
  • Birth to USA

    After a war, Britain loses the southern hlf of its North American colonies (giving birth to USA)
  • First British settlers

    The first British settlers (convicts and soldiers) arrive in Australia
  • Factory working conditions

    The first law regulating factory working conditions limits the number of hours that children are allowed to work.
    Slavery is made illegal throughout the British Empire
  • Nationwide selective secondary education is introduced

    Nationwide selective secondary education is introduced
  • The right to vote is extended to women

    The right to vote is extended to women
  • Britain declares war in Germany

    Britain declares war in Germany
  • The 'age of majority' is reduced

    The 'age of majority' (the age at which somebody legally becomes an adult) is reduced from 21 to 18.
  • Second Gulf War

    Second Gulf War
  • British troops leaves Northen Ireland

    British troops leaves Northen Ireland