
Mussolini Timeline

  • Formation of an Independent Italy

    Formation of an Independent Italy
    This painting depicts Italy third war of independence. This is significant as this is the war that allowed Italy to break free from Austro-Hungarian rule and become its own nation.
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
    This map depicts the Papal States before their inoculation with Italy. This sparked the beginning of State and Church tensions as their was not a peaceful joining
  • Failure of first Italo-Ethiopian war with the Battle of Adwa

    Failure of first Italo-Ethiopian war with the Battle of Adwa
    This photo shows the symbol of the Ethiopian victory against Italy. This is significant because it was a sign of African freedom and halted Italian attempts at colonialism for many years.
  • Italy invades and takes over Libya

    Italy invades and takes over Libya
    This flag is the Italian Libya flag and is significant as it represents Italy's invasion of Libya. Italy held this colony for many years until after WWII. This was also one of their first major expansions and had the added benefit of blocking France's increasing influence in Northern Africa.
  • Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist party newspaper Avanti!

    Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist party newspaper Avanti!
    This image is a news clipping from one of Avanti's front pages. This is significant because it shows how before WWI Mussolini was a socialist and the beginning of WWI sparked his shift in political ideology.
  • Mussolini kicked out of Socialist party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WWI

    Mussolini kicked out of Socialist party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WWI
    This photo is of Mussolini's own newspaper that he started after he was expelled from the socialist party. This photo is significant as it highlights Mussolini's rapid ideology switch and it was the beginning of his rise to power.
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    This political cartoon reveals how the London Treaty united Italy with the Entente in WWI, however; it also reveals how the real benefits of winning would go to France and Britain and Italy would not receive all they were promised.
  • Beginning of Biennio Rosso

    Beginning of Biennio Rosso
    This book cover depicts Mussolini's Arditti during the Biennio Rosso. This is significant because the photo shows the size of the Arditti and them crowding a building encapsulates the violence they were known for.
  • D'Annunzio take Fiume

    D'Annunzio take Fiume
    D'Annunzio in this photo is in the foreground and people surrounding him shows the leadership role he took in the occupation of Fiume. It also shows how many people followed his rule.
  • Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan

    Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
    This photo is of the Fascist symbol. This is significant because the forming of this group was the official start of the fascist party.
  • Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti

    Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
    Image is of Giovanni Giolitti, Italian Prime Minister that allowed Mussolini to establish his foothold in the government of the nation. This is significant because of his fantastic moustache and hat combo.
  • Mussolini forms PNF and is elected its leader

    Mussolini forms PNF and is elected its leader
    Image conveys the symbol for fascism used by this party in reference to the Roman 'fasci', which is significant as it represents the main belief of this organization: that Italy would be stronger if united under a strong, nationalistic force.
  • March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
    Photo depicts the March on Rome and is significant as it demonstrates both how numerous Mussolini's Blackshirts were and also it shows how organized the march was, largely because it was less of a march and more of a transition of power.
  • Acerbo Law passed

    Acerbo Law passed
    Graphic is relevant and significant as it explores a question that was seemingly very difficult for the Italian government to solve in the years leading up to Mussolini's dictatorship.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    Photo is significant as it shows the disproportionality with which Italy responded to the Corfu Incident, displaying a force far outweighing the reasonable reaction to the events that unfolded.
  • Matteotti Crisis

    Matteotti Crisis
    Political cartoon is relevant as it expresses the perspective of many Italians (particularly socialists) around the time of the event, which was that of a very anti-Mussolini point of view.
  • Aventine Secession

    Aventine Secession
    Photo is of Matteotti, the prominent socialist politician assassinated in previous terms on this timeline. This is significant because Matteotti's death is largely the reason behind the Aventine Secession of 1924.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    Photo is of a portion of Mussolini's propaganda campaign depicting him as helping out farmers which, besides being a hilarious image, also shows the lengths to which he and the government went to attempt (and fail) to make this economic strategy work.
  • Locarno Treaty signed

    Locarno Treaty signed
    Political cartoon represents the strides made by the Locarno Treaty while acknowledging the progress that still needed to be made, reflecting the varying perspectives surrounding the agreement at the time of its signing.
  • Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
    Image represents a 20-Lira coin from fascist Italy, which is significant as it shows the weakness of this currency at the time through the nature of the image being worth about as much as the coin itself was.
  • Battle for Births

    Battle for Births
    Photo is of a medal of honor given to the mothers in families that produced large numbers of children, which shows the somewhat ridiculous antics to which Mussolini's regime went to incentivize procreation amongst his subjects.
  • Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed

    Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
    This photograph was chosen as it perfectly represents the ideal significance of this treaty. The mass number of country representatives shown in the picture who all collaborated on this treaty relay the grand nature of this political work at the time and the prospects it brought.
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    Lateran Treaty with Pope
    Newspaper article chosen as it represents the importance of the event not only to Mussolini and the Pope, but to the citizens of Italy and the newly recognized Vatican City. Breaking of longstanding conflicts represents major turning point that was important enough to headline news articles.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    Map represents the current country alliances at the time of 1935, before the start of WWII. Very easily represents the two opposing sides and displays how Germany in this stage was in a very similar state as it was during WWI.
  • Abyssinian Crisis

    Abyssinian Crisis
    Political cartoon represents the rebellious actions of Italy at this time while they drive for more power in the African area. The large figure representing the league of nations further shows why this was chosen as it represents the harsh repercussions Italy would face due to the weight of their actions.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed

    Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed
    Photo was chosen as it very directly shows the change in relations between Mussolini and Hitler. The photo also represents the relations that will move forward into WWII against the allied powers.
  • Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War

    Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War
    This piece of propaganda represents the harsh influence that Italy had over Spain's civil war. The destructive imagery directly shows how Italy massively influenced the war and changed the course of its results.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    Photo was chosen as it shows a rare instance of mutual agreement between Axis and Allied powers before the start of WWII. Imagery of the world leaders sitting down and cooperating together represents a contrast in foreign relations from a few years later when the war starts.
  • Italy invades Albania

    Italy invades Albania
    This piece of photography is important and was chosen as it showcases the mass amount of force Italy used on the relatively small area of Albania. Despite the notion that this was a small campaign, this shows the brutality that was present during the event.
  • Italy enters WW II on side of Germany

    Italy enters WW II on side of Germany
    This political cartoon was chosen as it represents not only Italy's involvement with Germany on a surface level, but further the role that it played in somewhat following in the shadows when supporting it. It proves that Italy took a less dominant role in their relationship.
  • Mussolini brought down by coup during WW II

    Mussolini brought down by coup during WW II
    This newspaper article is significant as it shows the mass importance in Mussolini's drop from power. Despite being a domestic issue, this affected all countries around the world and changed the flow of WWII against the German powers.
  • Mussolini killed

    Mussolini killed
    This newspaper article was chosen due to its specific wording. Despite the mass amount of negative things Mussolini did to the country of Italy, the people both within Italy and outside of it referred to him as "Il Duce" which represents the influence he had upon Italy and countries around the world as a dictator.