March on rome mussolini

Mussolini Timeline

  • Formation of an independant Italy

    Formation of an independant Italy
    The photo has been chosen because of how it conveys the unification of all areas within Italy. As seen within the orange shaded land in the photo. This is significant especcially after Italy had gained independance through the Risorgimiento and became more unified
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
    This photo is significant as it demonstrates the ruling of the Italian government over time compared to when the Pope had ruled over the Papal States. This is proof of the Italian government taking back independance.
  • Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with Battle Of Adowa

    Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with Battle Of Adowa
    This incident had occurred when Italy had went to war with Ethiopia in order to gain land and more expansion within their power from this nation. Along with not signing the treaty with Ethiopia, this had caused Italy to not gain any land from the nation. This picture is significant as it depicts the hardships of the battle that Italy had gone through.
  • Italy Invades Libya

    Italy Invades Libya
    This had occured when Italy had invaded Libya due to how they had owned former Roman territories and had wanted to gain them back for further expansion and power. This photo is signifcant as it demonstrates the territories that Italy had previously taken over along with the colors of the Italian flag representing the nationalism Italy had over the nation
  • Mussolini Begins Work As Editor For Socialist Party Newspaper "Avanti!"

    Mussolini Begins Work As Editor For Socialist Party Newspaper "Avanti!"
    This incident had occured when Mussolini had been declared as a public socialist and had decided to advocate for both his view on the war as well as socialism itself. The picture demonstrates the announcement of Mussolini working for Avanti as he had been an important public figure within Italy.
  • Mussolini Kicked Out Of Socialist Pary

    Mussolini Kicked Out Of Socialist Pary
    This photo is significant as it depicts how Mussolini had been kicked out of the socialist party for promoting his ideals of war and supporting the general idea of WWI at the time. Something that socialists were completely against.
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    This is significant as it demonstrates the various nations stamping the treaty in agreement to bringing Italy into WWI. Which had been the incident in which Mussolini as well as several other potential fascists had been waiting for
  • Beginning of Bennio Russo

    Beginning of Bennio Russo
    The Bennio Russo is known to be one of Italy's darkest stages as it had been a time period in which their had been several societal as well as industrial changes rapidly being made in preparation for a revolution within Italy. This photo is significant as it illustrates the political and social divison Italy had been facing
  • Fascio di Combottimento formed in Milan

    Fascio di Combottimento formed in Milan
    This had been a political party built up on war veterans who had advocated for Mussolini's ideology on facism. This picture is significant as it demonstrates the axe being used as a symbol of war as well as violence. Which is clearly what Fascio di Combottimiento had advocated for.
  • D'Annunzio takes Fiume

    D'Annunzio takes Fiume
    When D'Annunzio had taken over Fiume, it had been viewed as quite a big deal as he had been a strong commander and had become known as the commander of the area. This photo illustrates this ideology as we see him rushing through the crowd as he gets prepared to take over and invade the area.
  • Mussolini forms PNF and is elected as leader

    Mussolini forms PNF and is elected as leader
    This had been declared as the formation of the very first fascist party within Italy. This photo is significant as it demonstrates the symbol of the PNF which clearly shows the authority and power that Mussolini is building up.
  • Mussolini Forms Alliance With Giolitti

    Mussolini Forms Alliance With Giolitti
    This is an incident in which Mussolini had now started to lay a foundation for the strength of his political power by getting to know one of the strongest governmental leaders in Italy, Giolitti. This picture illustrates this as the two can be seen walking through and ready to take action and an alliance for the sake of a fascist Italy.
  • March On Rome

    March On Rome
    This photo is significant through how is shows those who oppose Mussolini marching through the streets to protest against him. This had been occuring as he was about to become the prime minister of Italy. And clearly several people would oppose an ideology such as fascism due to its radical authoritarian state it can place a nation under.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    This had been a crisis within the city of Corfu, Greece, involving military strength and power. The soldiers within the picture are significant as it proves the power that Italy's military holds.
  • Acerbo Law

    Acerbo Law
    The Acerbo Law had been a formation by the government of deputies for Mussolini in order to assist him in gaining more power.This photo is significant as the law had been passed by the man within the photo, Baron Acerbo.
  • Aventine Secession

    Aventine Secession
    This photo is important as it shows several politicans from various socialist and communist parties all coming to an agreement to steer away from parlimentary opposition. This means that any party that Mussolini had opposed would be opposed by everyone else in order to stengthen fascism.
  • Matteoti Crisis

    Matteoti Crisis
    This occured when Matteoti had died after fighting against a fascist ideology. This picture is important as it depicts Matteoti's coffin and proves the extent that Mussolini will go to preserve his fascist ideologies.
  • Locarno Treaty signed

    Locarno Treaty signed
    This photo had been chosen as it depicts the nations of Britain and Italy agreeing together as one in order to oppose the idea of harming each other within war.
  • Battle for Land/Lira

    Battle for Land/Lira
    This photo is important as it depicts the citizens of Italy demanding and relying for Mussolini to take charge of the growing problem of the currency, lira, not being as valuable as it once was as well as there not being as much land for Italy to prosper within.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    This picture is chosen as it depicts a farmer carrying wheat which had been an important good for Italy. And while farmers were starting to not grow as much of this resource, Mussolini had advertised for further agricultural growth in order to avoid starvation in Italy as well as expand the economy
  • Battle for Births

    Battle for Births
    This photo had been utilized as the fight for having more children had been created by having women stay at home, have more children, and take care of them in order for the men one day to become part of the army as well as more men come back to industrialization and factories.
  • Lateran Treaty with Pope

    Lateran Treaty with Pope
    This photo is important as the pope and Mussolini sit side by side one another emphasizing on the unification through the pope being given full independance to the Vatican in a state of fascism.
  • Kelogg Briand Treaty signed

    Kelogg Briand Treaty signed
    This photo is important and chosen as it demonstrates how Italy wants to bring more peace and unification with it's allies in order to promise that other nations won't interfere with any conflict of these nations that Mussolini is allied with.
  • Abyssinian Crisis

    Abyssinian Crisis
    This picture is chosen because of how it depicts the ongoing and further tensions that Italy wants to push onto Ethiopia in order to further possibly claim land and encourage it's military to push for war in order for further expansion to occur through this conflict.
  • Stresa Front

    Stresa Front
    This picture had been chosen as it depicts the specifics of where both Mussolini as well as Adolf Hitler had wanted to take over in order to expand their power.
  • Italian Involvement with Spanish Civil War

    Italian Involvement with Spanish Civil War
    This photo is important because of how it depicts the hand with the Italian flag in it as well as soldiers proving how involved Italy had wanted to get in order to potentially expand either alliship or expansion into Spain
  • Rome Berlin Axis

    Rome Berlin Axis
    This photo was chosen because how how the unification of both Hitler as well as Mussolini would mean a further spread of dictatorship all across Europe during this time as Mussolini salutes the crowd of people watching over the two leaders.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    This photo had been chosen because of how it depicts Hitler and Mussolini sitting down to discuss Germany's further plans on expanding their nation as WWII occurs in Europe.
  • Italy Invades Albania

    Italy Invades Albania
    This photo has been chosen because of how it shows the rapid need for imperialism within Italy in order to preserve the power of Italy going into war.
  • Italy Enters WWII

    Italy Enters WWII
    The photo depicting Mussolini's face as well as the headlines of him declaring war are significant because of how it shows his determination as well as the potential power that he could easily have over several other European nations considering his ideology.
  • Mussolini brought down by coup during WWII

    Mussolini brought down by coup during WWII
    This photo is significant as it highlights the political propaganda of Mussolini supposedly "resigning" when in reality he had been taken down by several people who had opposed his ideology of fascism for quite a while and making it seem as though he had "decided" to resign.
  • Mussolini killed

    Mussolini killed
    This photo has been chosen as it had been one of the biggest headlines within magazines at the time. Proving how siginificant Mussolini had been all throughout his political career and introducing fascism to several.