By hejj
  • 500

    Byzantine Empire

    Justinians rule over the Byzantine Empire was at this time. Justinian made the Byzantine Empire undergo a architecutrual renovations with new buliding methods.
  • Period: 500 to Jan 1, 600

    Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire reaches its peak. Recaptures land that it lost to the western Roman Empire before its fall.
  • Period: Jan 1, 600 to Jan 1, 1400

    Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire gradully loses territory in North Africa and Middle East. This is due to the rapid expansion of Islam.
  • Apr 15, 600

    capital of the empire of ghana was established

  • Jan 1, 610

    Islam and the Spread

    This is the night known as "Night of Power and Excellece." This is where Muhammad receives the first revelation of the Qur’an.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Islam and the Spread

    Muhammad and his followers travel to Medina for the Hijira. The first year of the Muslim Calendar.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Islam and the Spread

    The prophet Muhammed dies. Abu Bakr is chosen as Caliph soon after Muhammed dies.
  • Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 633

    Islam and the Spread

    Rebbillion of small arabian tribes cause unrest in religious life. This causes the War of Ridda, which restores allegiance to Islam.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Islam and the Spread

    Three Kharijites killed Imam Ali, causing Muawiyah to become the new Caliph. This caused the beginning of the Umayyad Caliphate.
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    Islam and the Spread

    The Umayyad Caliphate was the secound of the four major Arab Caliphates. Controlled by Muawiyah, this dynasty covered 5 million square miles at its peak, but then being overthrown by Abbasid Caliphate
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Islam and the Spread

    Development of Islamic law, patronage of art and culture, rising trade, agriculture and industry. Islam wanting to have no western influece, wanting to stay with their traditional Islamic culture.
  • Jan 1, 765

    Islam and the Spread

    Division within Shi'ites - majority are the modern Sunnis, who follow the Abbasid Caliphate. The Shia who are the minority are more strict on the teachings of Muhammed and his family.
  • Jan 1, 1018

    Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire under the control of Basil ll, defeated the Bulgarians and annexed their territory. At this time, they had increase influene on Kiev Russia, the Balkans, and Capadocia.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1035 to Apr 15, 1230

    Mansa Musa became the ruler of Mali

  • Apr 15, 1076

    Muslim invaders captured the capital. Ghana began to crumble

  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Jan 1, 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire is steady decling, losing territories and wars. Also under growing attacks by the Ottoman Empire.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1115 to Apr 15, 1235

    Jurchen establish Jin Dynasty in Manchuria, northern China

  • Period: Jan 1, 1185 to Dec 31, 1333

    Feudal Japan

    The Kamakura period, 1185 to 1333, is a period that marks the governance of the Kamakura shogunate and the transition to the Japanese "medieval" era, a nearly 700-year period in which the emperor, the court, and the traditional central government were left intact but largely relegated to ceremonial functions. Civil, military, and judicial matters were controlled by the bushi (samurai) class, the most powerful of whom was the de facto national ruler, the shōgun. This period in Japan differed from
  • Jan 1, 1192

    Feudal Japan

    In 1185, Minamoto no Yoritomi defeated the rival Taira clan, and in 1192, Yoritomi was appointed Seii Tai-Shōgun by the emperor. Establishing a base of power called the Bafuku in Kamakura, Yoritomo ruled as the first in a line of Kamakura shōgun.
  • Period: Apr 15, 1196 to Apr 15, 1206

    Temujin unites Mongols, assumes title of Chinggis Khan

  • Period: Apr 15, 1209 to Apr 15, 1215

    Mongols conquer south to Beijing, west to Lake Balkash

  • Apr 15, 1227

    Chinggis dies

  • Apr 15, 1231

    Korea invaded by mongols

  • Apr 15, 1235

    mongols Capital rebuilt at Karakorum

  • Apr 15, 1235

    Mali defeated the last king of Ghana

  • Period: Apr 15, 1240 to Apr 15, 1480

    mongols-Suzerainty over Russia established by Golden Horde Conquest of Song China

  • Period: Jan 1, 1247 to Dec 31, 1281

    Feudal Japan

    Between 1274 and 1281, in which massive Mongol forces with superior naval technology and weaponry attempted a full-scale invasion of the Japanese islands. Although the Japanese were successful in stopping the Mongols, the invasion attempt had devastating domestic repercussions, leading to the extinction of the Kamakura shogunate.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    Islam and the Spread

    The Mongols, led by Hulagu, destroy Bagdad in their riegn of expansion. Causeing the end of the Sunni Arab Caliphate.
  • Apr 15, 1260

    Mongols defeated by Egyptian Mamluks

  • Apr 15, 1261

    Khubilai becomes great khan

  • Jan 1, 1290

    Delhi Sultanate in India

    Slave Dynasty ended in civil war in 1290, the Khalji Dynasty took over. This was the time of the greatest power of the Delhi Sultanate, when the Sultans in Delhi could control even the most southern part of India, at least some of the time.
  • Jan 1, 1298

    Delhi Sultanate of India

    Ala-ud-din's Forces extended the sultanates southeren flank, seizing the rich trading state of Gujarate.
  • Apr 15, 1307

    Mansa Musa became the ruler of Mali

  • Jan 1, 1351

    Delhi Sultanate in India

    Beginning about 1325, the Delhi Sultans began to weaken. There were a lot of rebellions and civil wars, and by 1351 southern India regained its independence as a Hindu state.
  • Jan 1, 1398

    Delhi Sultanate in India

    Delhi was sacked by the Mongol invader Tamerlane or Timur in 1398, which pretty much ended the power of the Delhi Sultanate.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Islam and the Spread

    After much dominance in the world, influence of the lives of people and being a leading religon with followers, Islam reaches the Phillipiens. Islam has changed the world with its laws and policies.
  • Feudal Japan.

    After having united Japan, Hideyoshi invaded Korea in an attempt to conquer Korea, China, and even India. However, after two unsuccessful campaigns towards the allied forces of Korea and China and his death, his forces retreated from the Korean Peninsula in 1598. Following his death, Japan experienced a short period of succession conflict. Tokugawa Ieyasu, one of the regents for Hideyoshi's young heir, emerged victorious at the Battle of Sekigahara and seized political power.
  • Period: to

    Invaders from Morocco and Spain destroyed the last of the Great African empire

  • Feudal Japan

    The Azuchi-Momoyama period runs from approximately 1568 to 1603. The period, regarded as the late Warring Kingdoms period, marks the military reunification and stabilization of the country under a single political ruler, first by the campaigns of Oda Nobunaga who almost united Japan and achieved later by one of his generals, Toyotomi Hideyoshi
  • Byzantine Empire

    Rome split into two, the Byzantine Empire being the eastern half. The western half fell in 476 leaving the Byzantine Empire as the dominate state.
  • Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire was ruled by Empress Irene, who was overthrown by Nikephoros, who specilized on finacial and military reorganization. The Byzantine Empire was constantly being defeated by the Bu;garian Empire and having many different succesors.