The american revolution by lordaquaticus 300x240

Travel In the Thirteen Colonies.

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

    Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas
    Christopher Columbus was searching for a trade route to the West Indies. And it led him to the Americas.
  • Jan 1, 1512

    1512 Spanish take the first African slaves to Hispaniola

    1512 Spanish take the first African slaves to Hispaniola
    The first slaves were from taken from Africa becuase of their poor appearance, and the color of their skin.
  • Jan 1, 1519

    1519 Cortés arrives in Tenochtitlan

    1519 Cortés arrives in Tenochtitlan
    It was the capital of the Aztec empire. Tenochtitlan was also one of the biggest cities of its time.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    1521 Cortés defeats the Aztecs

    1521 Cortés defeats the Aztecs
    The Aztecs were fearless wariors and liked to conquer other tribes. Also, when the spaniards rode up on horses they thought they were gods, becuase they have never seen a horse before.
  • Jan 1, 1527

    1527 Bartolome de las Casas argues against enslavement of Native Americans

    1527 Bartolome de las Casas argues against enslavement of Native Americans
    After they were done with African slaves, they moved on to the people who already enhabited the Americas, Native Americans.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    1535 Pizarro founds a new capital in Lima, Peru, after defeating the Incas

    1535 Pizarro founds a new capital in Lima, Peru, after defeating the Incas
    The Incan empire was the biggest pre-columbian empire at the time, after the Aztecs.
  • 1590 John White returns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappeared

    1590 John White returns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappeared
    Even to this day we don't know how or why the colony disappeared. Many think they were killed of by the Indians.
  • 1607 The English found Jamestown

    1607 The English found Jamestown
    Jamestown growed and expanded over the years, Iv'e been to jamestown and they even have a "Past" part of the town, where people wear old dresses and overalls and talk like the settlers back then.
  • 1608 Champlain founds Quebec

    1608 Champlain founds Quebec
    Quebec is near Ontario, where one of my friends live. I want to visit Quebec and Ontario one day.
  • 1619 House of Burgesses formed

    1619 House of Burgesses formed
    The house is in Jamestown, and was built out of distress becuase the market of the colony was fading quickly and they had to band together and stratigise.
  • 1620 The Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth

    1620 The Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth
    And they had te first Thanksgiving with the Indians. The Indians tought them how to fish, farm, and grow corn.
  • 1634 Mathias de Sousa, an indentured servant of African descent, arrives in Maryland aboard the Ark.

    1634 Mathias de Sousa, an indentured servant of African descent, arrives in Maryland aboard the Ark.
    If you're thinking "Noah's Ark" thats not correct, that is a story in the bible, when tis "Ark" was a boat migrators boarded to go to Maryland.
  • 1682 William Penn establishes Pennsylvania

    1682 William Penn establishes Pennsylvania
    It being the 2# state ever founded it was a big deal.
  • 1733 Georgia, the 13th English colony, is founded

    1733 Georgia, the 13th English colony, is founded
    Today there is 50 states, also US territory, where people born there are US citizens but they arent official US states.
  • 1863 President Lincoln declares Thanksgiving a national holiday.

    1863 President Lincoln declares Thanksgiving a national holiday.
    And thats why we come together and eat turkey and then take a long nap and sleep in, thank you presedent lincon for this holiday!