Transition to the modern world timeline

  • 1347

    Black Death Hits Europe

    Black Death Hits Europe
    The Black Death was one of the most impactful pandemics in history that caused 75 to 200 million deaths in Europe. This was important because it left many impacts on people. For example, the Black Death changed the lives of people across Europe and Asia causing changes in the society at the time.
  • 1440

    The Printing press was developed

    The Printing press was developed
    The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press increased the production of books and many aspects of literature. The printing press was important because Martin Luther used it to spread his 95 theses.
  • 1492

    Columbus explores America

    Columbus explores America
    In 1492 Christopher Columbus explored America as we know it today. The exploration of America is important because it paved the way for forming some of the colonies.
  • 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495 showing Jesus Christ in the center of the painting and right by his side is Judas. This painting is important because it helps us remember what Jesus Christ sacrificed for us.
  • 1503

    The Mona Lisa

    The Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503 was a remarkable portrait of a woman during the Renaissance period. This painting is important because the woman shown in the painting is supposed to represent the wife of wealthy Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo.
  • 1517

    Luther's 95 Theses

    Luther's 95 Theses
    Martin Luther's 95 theses were a list of objections protesting against the selling indulgences. Indulgences were sold by the Catholic church to increase the chances of one going to heaven. The 95 theses were important because it started the Protestant Reformation.
  • Galileo’s telescope

    Galileo’s telescope
    Galileo's telescope was used to observe many elements of the universe, one example being sunspots. Galileo's telescope was important because it led the way for more questioning of the universe and brand new discoveries.
  • Johannes Kepler (planetary motion)

    Johannes Kepler (planetary motion)
    Kepler's laws of planetary motion were three different laws that explained the motion of the planets around the sun. The planetary motion laws were important because his work led the way for Issac Newton to define gravity and it explain it.
  • William Shakespeare's death date

    William Shakespeare's death date
    William Shakspere died on April 23rd, 1616. No evidence or records of how he died are found but, there is a record of his funeral. This is an important date because before he passed, he lived a long successful life that had and still has a positive effect on our world today.
  • Isaac Newton laws of motion

    Isaac Newton laws of motion
    Issac Newtons three laws of motion were that one object moving one way will continue to remain in that motion unless moved by another force, force equals mass times acceleration, and every action has a reaction. These laws were important because they connect to everything we experience in everyday life.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau The Social Contract

    The social contract was a special agreement between the rulers and the leaders. Social contracts were used to make reason about specific things in society.