History bg theme 1

Transition to the Modern World

  • 610

    Islamic Empire

    Islamic Empire
    The Islamic Empire and its success changed its culture forever and was one of the base institution of the region.
  • 1347

    Black Death hits Europe

    Black Death hits Europe
    There wasn't a specific date or when the Black Death hit Europe, but we know that it was a horrible disease that affected thousands of people tremendesly.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press being invented allowed information to spread quickly and was able to print andcopy many things at once.
  • 1492

    Christopher columbus discovering America

    Christopher columbus discovering America
    Christopher Columbus stepped foot in islands that are now known as the Bahamas and was one of the first people to step into America.
  • 1495

    The last supper

    The last supper
    The last supper was by Leonardo Da Vinci and represented Jesus's last meal before he was crucified.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    The mona Lisa was one of the most famous renaissance peices of the world.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luthers 95 theses

    Luthers 95 theses
    Martin Luther was a German munk that decided to go against the churches and write 95 theses why they were wrong.
  • 1530

    Anglican Church

    Anglican Church
    The Anglican Church was started by Henry Vll and they belived that the cathiloc and apostilc faiths are revaled in holy scriptue and cathiloc creeds.
  • The Globe Theatre

    The Globe Theatre
    The Globe Theatre was the first theatre that Shakespeare opened and many famous plays and preformances were put on here.
  • Galileo's Telescope

    Galileo's Telescope
    Galileo was an Italian Polymath that invented one of the very first telescopes which was a huge advanced for socitey.