Transformations Across the Globe

By Vishan
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine stated that Europeans should not colonize in the Americas. It set up US foreign policy in the 1800s.
  • China and Britian clash in opium wars

    China and Britian clash in opium wars
    The Chinese were angry because the British hooked the Chinese citizens. To protest,the Chinese tried to boycott opium, which lead to this war.
  • Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor

    Commodore Perry enters Tokyo Harbor
    The Japanese realized they had fallen so behind in technology when Matthew Perry arrived.
  • US wins Spanish American War

    US wins Spanish American War
    The US was desperate to start this war, and it resulted in the US gaining Guam, the Phillipines, and Cuba.
  • Mexican Revolution begins

    Mexican Revolution begins
    This is the beginning of a long multi-year struggle for power in Mexico.
  • Panama Canal Opens

    Panama Canal Opens
    The Panama Canal allowed ships to go through Panama instead of having to go around South America.