
Unit 7: Imperialistic Sticks

  • Alaska's Purchase

    Alaska's Purchase
    America's acquisition of Alaska from the Russian Empire; acquired with a ratification from congress and a signature from President Andrew Johnson.
  • Japanese-American Relations

    Japanese-American Relations
    Major immigration from Japan to America took place towards the end of the 19th century.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    A strategist who was a huge proponent of sea power in the late 19th and early 20th century; wrote the The Influence of Sea Power.
  • Hawaii Is Taken By 'Merica

    Hawaii Is Taken By 'Merica
    Queen Laliuokalani was forced to abdicate Hawaii to American Business men and planters.
  • Emilio Aguinaldo

    Emilio Aguinaldo
    The first and youngest president of the Philippines, who was a political advocate and revolutionary who led the Philippines to independence in the Philippine revolution, the Spanish American war, and finally the Philippine War.
  • Hawaii is annexed by America

    Hawaii is annexed by America
    Hawaii was a U.S. territory in 1898; by 1959, the place transitioned into a state.
  • War Strategy

    War Strategy
    Hawaii's Pearl Harbor was used for a strategic advantage during the Spanish-American War, helping plant the seeds of it's annexation.
  • The Boom

    The Boom
    The internal explosion of a U.S. ship in Cuba led to America's intervention in the revolution of Cuba pertaining to Spain.
  • Cuba Wasn't Ready

    Cuba Wasn't Ready
    America's Big Stick Policy coincided with the Spanish American War's beginning.
  • Hello Yellow

    Hello Yellow
    Yellow journalism helped with the spark that lit the Spanish American War's fires. Their obstruction of the U.S. Maine incident was where the tainted journalism was prevalent.
  • Mckinley's Pitch

    Mckinley's Pitch
    Mckinley tried to negotiate the independence of Cuba without conflict, yet the president's attempts were in vain.
  • Buffalo Soilers

    Buffalo Soilers
    Black has a role in the role as well, being called Buffalo Soldiers; whether or not African American could participate in the war was questioned all throughout, but in the end, over 3000 men of colour fought.
  • America: The "Best" of Neighbours

    America: The "Best" of Neighbours
    Americans opposed the dealings it had with the countries south of them, so widespread arguments were had by the Americans. "Against the policy of democracy" was the complaint.
  • The Beginning

    The Beginning
    The war that took place in the Manila Bay of Cuba (U.S. v. Cuba) was the opening event for the war. Commodore Dewey led the American fleet.
  • The Result

    The Result
    The result of the Spanish American War ended with America emerging as a world power because of their defeat of Spain, and Cuba, the Philippines, and Guam were acquired.
  • Open Door Policy

    Open Door Policy
    This policy was that America was to receive equal treatment in commerce with China and support their territorial and administrative integrity.
  • The Philippine American War

    The Philippine American War
    Two days before the Philippines would have gone to the Americans legally, rebellion broke out in the isles, with Emilio Aguinaldo.
  • "Carry a Big Stick"

    "Carry a Big Stick"
    In relation to the foreign policy in America's imperialistic phase, Theodore Roosevelt felt that by "carrying a big stick", control could be maintained in America's areas by militaristic force.
  • Policing the World

    Policing the World
    Roosevelt implemented the big stick policy in the case of the Caribbean Islands and Latin America; unstable governments would forcibly be dismantled America.
  • Amnesty

    In the spring of the year indicated, the main forces of the rebellion were exhausted; Roosevelt claims amnesty soon after.
  • How Do We Have The Canal?

    How Do We Have The Canal?
    The Hau-Banau-Varilla treaty being signed and the permission of the Panamanians allowed the U.S. to conduct business concerning the canal.
  • The Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal
    John Stevens = Chief Engineer; the Canal was built to connect the Pacific and the Atlantic; connected the world much more that before.
  • Anti-American Boycotts in China

    Anti-American Boycotts in China
    Disagreement over the 1904 immigration policy between the U.S. and China led to Chinese boycotts; nationalism rising in China.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    William Taft along with a well known lawyer thought it best to secure American power by using its wealth; this did not stop economic downturn, in spite of its successes. (Focused in on Asia and Latin America)
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    Unrest concerning the president of the time Francisco Madero; Madero killed and mass immigration to the U.S. takes place.
  • The Tampico Affair

    The Tampico Affair
    American troops are detained by Mexican officials; apologies are given but the U.S. sends war boats in order to retrieve the men; causes Anti-American sentiment to blossom.
  • Sides Are Taken

    Sides Are Taken
    First, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Shortly after, Germany declared war on Russia and France. Serbia and Japan joined the Allies. France and Britain declared war on the Ottomans, and so on, so on, so on....
  • Triple Threats

    Triple Threats
    The Triple Entente was made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia, whilst the Triple Alliance was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  • World War One Kicks Off

    World War One Kicks Off
    Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated; a month late, WWl begins.
  • The Bloodiest of Them All

    The Bloodiest of Them All
    The Battle of Somme was one of the most important battles to take place, with France being the romp room, and thousands of troops looking into their graves. This battle was also the bloodiest one of them all.
  • The Red Scare

    The Red Scare
    The Russian Revolution of 1917 caused wide spread propaganda and panic to ensue. Communism, anarchism, and extreme leftist ways were the cause of the scare.
  • American Sentiment

    American Sentiment
    America was dead set against involving itself in European affairs, especially since their political belief was that they were only to get involved if some dictator or totalitarian was oppressing a people. Once America did get involved however, the propaganda flourished, and the famous "I Want YOU" make its showing.
  • America Intervenes

    America Intervenes
    The sinking of U.S. ships by German u-boats, the Zimmerman letter (which was an attempt to get Mexico to declare war on Spain), and propaganda finally sucked the U.S. into the World War.
  • The Last Battle

    The Last Battle
    The Battle of Amiens was the last major battle of the war, which helped bring victory to the allied Nations. (100 Days Offensive)
  • The Treaty

    The Treaty
    The Treaty of Versailles was created finalized in 1920. The Germans were left with 33 billion dollars debt, though they had not started the war;
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations was constructed by President ________. This organization was made with the intent of multiple countries congregating, but due to bitter relations and America's lack of participation, it failed.