Topics 3 - 6 Timeline

  • 800 BCE

    Earliest Surviving Greek Literature

    Earliest Surviving Greek Literature
    Some of the earliest surviving forms of Greek literature were made by Homer in the Archaic Age of Greece. Some examples are "The Illiad" and "The Odyssey" by Homer. These works are a memorable point in Greek history because they are still taught in schools today.
  • 776 BCE

    First Olympics

    First Olympics
    The first Olympics are memorable because they were one of the only events that all the Greeks united to celebrate. It is also memorable because it has stood the test of time and the Olympics are still celebrated today.
  • 508 BCE

    The Start of the First Democracy

    The Start of the First Democracy
    The first democracy was formed in Athens. The person who finalized the implementation of democracy into Athenian society was Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes allowed all Athenian men to vote and serve as public officers. Democracy is one of the most famous concepts of the Greeks and is one of the main forms of government in the modern world.
  • 484 BCE

    Herodotus (484 - 420 BCE)

    Herodotus (484 - 420 BCE)
    Herodotus' life made Greece more memorable because during his lifetime he would invent the system we use to write history today. Herodotus wrote down history as a story and tried to explain the factors that motivated both sides so the people of the future that read historical accounts have a better idea of what happened.
  • 479 BCE

    Greeks Win Persian War

    Greeks Win Persian War
    The Greeks' victory over the Persians made Greece more memorable by establishing themselves as one of the top military powers in the ancient western world.
  • 469 BCE

    Socrates (469 - 399 BCE)

    Socrates (469 - 399 BCE)
    Socrates is the father of philosophy. After Socrates invented philosophy he gathered students and taught them, therefore spreading the roots of philosophy. Socrates made Greece more memorable by coming up with the Socratic Method and the basics of philosophy.
  • 338 BCE

    Macedonia Conquers Greece

    Macedonia Conquers Greece
    Macedonia's victory over Greece is memorable because it marks the beginning of the Hellenistic World. It is also very memorable because it is where Alexander the Great made his debut as the leader of Macedonia, and later the Hellenistic Empire.
  • 330 BCE

    Pytheas Sails Outside of Mediterranean

    Pytheas Sails Outside of Mediterranean
    Pytheas' exploration beyond the Meditteranean sea made Greece more memorable because he was the first Greek to travel to Europe and see the civilizations there. He wrote a book called "On The Ocean" about his findings and no one believed him until they discovered Europe themselves later on.
  • 330 BCE

    Alexander the Great Conquers Persia

    Alexander the Great Conquers Persia
    In 330 BCE, Alexander the Great conquered the Persian capital, Persepolis, which signaled the Greeks' victory over Persia. This made Greece more memorable because it was a huge step in creating the powerful Hellenistic empire we know of today.
  • 30 BCE

    Last Hellenistic Kingdom is Conquered by Rome

    Last Hellenistic Kingdom is Conquered by Rome
    In 30 BCE The last Hellenistic kingdom, the Ptolemies, was conquered by Rome. This makes Greece memorable because though it was the end of the Hellenistic empire, the Romans would adopt Greek culture and continue to spread Greek ideas throughout the western world.