
TOP 10 TIMELINE: Politics and State Building

By Cgk1998
  • 100

    Akkadian Empire

    Akkadian Empire
    http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Akkadian_Empire2296-2240 BCE
    The Akkadian Empire is "described as the first true empire in World History." As an empire uniting the Semites and Sumerians under one rule, the Akkadian's were the first to show that state builiding could involve two groups working together. They were a strong centralized state but had cities that competed among eachother. The cultural symbiosis of two ancient groups in the region of Mesopotamia made the Akkadian empire a spark for the changing of politics and cultures.
  • 510

    Classical Athens and Democracy

    Classical Athens and Democracy
    http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/government/democracy.htm#!510 BCE
    Classical Athens was known for its beginnings of democracy. For developing and changing societies across the globe, democracy had yet to be adopted. Originating in Athens, a powerful city state that was used as a center for arts, learning, and philosophy, democracy took off as a common form of government. This resulted in a greater variety of politics across the world. Athens democracy has been used as a foundation for other politics and quickly diffused outward.
  • 550

    Achaemenid Empire

    Achaemenid Empire
    http://www.ancient.eu/Achaemenid_Empire/550-330 BCE
    The Achaemenid Empire is credited as the largest empire in Classical Antiquity and a model system for later government. This Persian empire eventually controlled all of Egypt as a leader in expansion of empires. The Archaemenid empire was a large cultural, social, technological, and political influence resutling in strong state building and advancement that led to connections across the globe.
  • Jan 1, 1279

    Mongols Conquer China

    Mongols Conquer China
    http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ciai/socst/ghgonline/turnpoint/tp28.html1279 AD The Mongols conquering of China was a major turning point in politics. The bried period of peace that this empire brought, known as the Pax Mongolica, allowed for them to explore policies of religious freedom and an establishment of a strong hierarchy, Many of the politcal reforms and laws helped to create a foundation for future political rule.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    http://www.theamericanrevolution.org/1765-1783 CE
    The American Revolution proves to be a great turning point in the history of politics and state building; as it was one of the first successful revolutions that sparked a desire for change in a multitude of countries. The Americans vied for democracy, for their voices to be heard, and they fought for what they believed, ultimately resulting in restructuring their government with a constitution. These principles set a standard for other coutnries and they began to follow suit.
  • Cold War Era

    Cold War Era
    1945-1991 The Cold War era marked the struggle between Russia with much of Europe and the United States. Russia desired to undermine the west and spread communism throughout. By the end of the era, Russia had become a captitalist country. This change from communism to capitalism was a major political turning point and helped to unify the world.
  • Formation of the United Nations

    Formation of the United Nations
    http://www.un.org/en/aboutun/ Shortly after the ending of WWII, 51 countries joined together to form the United Nations. A few decades later, there was a surge of growth in the participation in the organization. Today there are 193 countries involved in the UN. This political organization was a turning point in history because it helped to create national security, safety, and peace.
  • Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

    Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
    1979 AD For most of the worlds history, women were viewed as subordinate to men. It was only recently that almost 200 countries, in participation with the UN, stopped all discrimination against women. Although some countries had already made these political reforms, this was a huge leap forward in advancing political participation for all.
  • Chou China and The Warring States

    Chou China and The Warring States
    http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/china/history/easternchou.htm481-221 BCE
    The period of the Warring States in Chou China proved to be an example for future governing and politics. When the Chou emperor lost power, kings of seven states began to rule. This division of power quickly proved to be unsuccessful and, therefore, became an example of how politics should not be. This division of the state seemed to become ruthless and showed how leadership had to be controlled within state-building.
  • Justinian Code

    Justinian Code
    529 AD During his rule, emperor Justinian implimented many legal codes as a basis for ruling his people. These laws were a compilation of many past laws and ordinances. These set a political outline for most of the law codes used in the western hemisphere, helping to shape political history throughout the west for years to come.