• The birth of the baby

    The birth of the baby
    The baby is born and takes his first breath of life. He is exposed to a whole new world.
  • 13-15 months Physical

    13-15 months Physical
    Some of their large and small motor skills are starting to develop.Such as standing erect with slight support, crawling over small barriers, and climbing out of crib, high chair, or stroller. Small motor skills include improving grasping skills, attempting to turn the door knob, and properly using spoons.
  • 13-15 months cognitive

    13-15 months cognitive
    General Development
    Mimic all actions of children and adults.Like to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures.
    Responds to own name, recognize names of major parts of the body, points to familiar toys or persons on request.
  • 16-18 months physical

    16-18 months physical
    Large motor skills
    Able to walk sideways,pushes and pulls large toys,jumps with both feet
    Small motor skills
    May turn radio knob,likes to grab everything,and adds hand gestures when speaking
  • 16-18 months Cognitive

    16-18 months Cognitive
    Has a short attention span,remembers where objects belong, tries to imitate the way parents use objects
    Vocabulary increases 6 to 10 words, may use two word phrases, imitates simple sounds on request
  • 19-21 months physical

    19-21 months physical
    Large Motor Skills
    Walks sideways and backwards, Runs without falling often, Jumps forward and in place
    Small Motor Skills
    Holds two objects in hand easily, Uses one hand more than the other
  • 19-21 months cognitive

    19-21 months cognitive
    Likes to mark on paper with big crayons, Complete simple puzzles
    Vocabulary of about 20 words, Always asking "what's that?"
  • 22-24 months physical

    22-24 months physical
    Large Motor Skills
    Can throw ball into a basket, Can sit self in small chair with ease, Walks sideways and backwards with ease
    Small Motor Skills
    Likes to play with modeling clay, Holds crayons with thumbs and fingers
  • 22-24 months cognitive

    22-24 months cognitive
    Recognizes when picture in book is upside down, Identifies objects on tv and follows simple directions
    50 or more words in vocabulary, Asks for food when hungry and water when thirsty
  • 24-30 months physical

    24-30 months physical
    Large Motor Skills
    Climbs the jungle gym with ease, Kicks the ball forward, Throw balls over head without aim
    Small Motor Skills
    Opens the door, Can soap hands and arms easily, Can remove wrappers from gum and candy
  • 24-30 months cognitive

    24-30 months cognitive
    Can follow two-step commands, Remember the sequences of stories and can retell them, Likes to play house
    Vocabulary starts at 200 and increases to 500 words, Uses words to make requests, Enjoys learning names of new objects
  • 30-36 months cognitive

    30-36 months cognitive
    Can stack rings in the correct order, Recognizes self in pictures, Reveals intellectual curiosity
    Vocabulary increases to 1000 words, Starts to use past tense and plurals, Understands relative size (big and small)
  • 30-36 months physical

    30-36 months physical
    Large Motor Skills
    Walks on tip of toes, Climbs up slide ladder and slides down, Jumps from any elevated object
    Small Motor Skills
    Can string large beads, Eats with fork, Can take objects apart and put them back together
  • 30-36 months cognitive

    30-36 months cognitive
    Can stack rings in the correct order, Recognizes self in pictures, Reveals intellectual curiosity
    Vocabulary increases to 1000 words, Starts to use past tense and plurals, Understands relative size (big and small)
  • Teenager

    All grown now!