Developmental Milestone

  • Birth

  • Period: to

    Sensorimoter (Birth-2)

    Experiencing the world through senses and actions. (Loooking, hearing, touching, mouthing, and grasping.)
  • Period: to


    A bond that is a powerful survival impulse that keeps infants close to their caregivers. Insecure attachment - when the mother returns, the infant avoids attachment. Secure attachment - when a baby is happily interacting with his/her mother, then becomes ditressed when she leaves, then reattaches when she comes back.
  • Period: to

    Trust Vs Mistrust (0-1)

    Learning whether to trust or not to based on whether or not their needs for things like food and comfort are met
  • Period: to

    Temperament Style

    A persons characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity. Includes difficult, easy and slow-to-warm-up babies depending on whether they are reactive, intense, and figety or easygoing, quiet and placed.
  • 2 Months

    2 Months
    Raise head to 45 degrees
  • 4 Months

    4 Months
    Sit up straight with assistance.
  • 2.8 Months

    2.8 Months
    Roll Over
  • 5.5 Months

    5.5 Months
    A baby can sit up without support
  • 7.6 Months

    7.6 Months
    Pull self to standing postition
  • 9.2 Months

    9.2 Months
    Walk while holding onto furniture
  • 10 Months

    10 Months
    Baby can crawl
  • 11.5 Months

    11.5 Months
    Baby can stand alone
  • 12.1 Months

    12.1 Months
    Baby can walk
  • Period: to

    Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt (1-3)

    Toddlers realize they can direct their own behavior.
  • Period: to


    Representing things with words and images; using intuitive rather than logical reasoning
  • Period: to

    Preconventional Morality

    Where a child learns write and wrong through reward and punishment.
  • Period: to

    Initiative v. Guilt (3-5)

    Children are developing imagination, and sharing. They have to learn to control their behavior and take responsibility.
  • Period: to

    Industry v. Inferiority (5-12)

    Children try to learn new skills, obtain new knowledge
  • Period: to

    Concrete Operational

    Thinking logically about concrete events; grasping concrete analogies and performing arithmical operations
  • Period: to

    Conventional Morality

    WHen view of others matter and a child avoids blame and seeks approval.
  • Menarche

    The first mentural period. Usually hit at age 11 for girls. During this transition, primary sex characteristics like the reproductive organs and external genetallia develop. Through secondary sex characteristics, girls develop breasts, hips and pubic hair
  • Period: to

    Formal Operational

    Abstact reasoning. 12 +. the individual will demonstrate the ability to critically analyze situations, taking into consideration reasoning and argument.
  • Period: to

    Postconventional Morality

    Abstract notions of justice and the rights of others can overrule obedience of laws/rules.
  • Spermarche

    Nocturnal emission and first ejaculation. During this transition, primary sex characteristics like the reproductive organs and external genetallia develop. Through secondary sex characteristics, boys develop facial hair, deepened voice and pubic hair
  • Period: to

    Identity v. Role Confusion (13-18)

    Trying to learn who they are as a person.
  • Period: to

    Intimacy v. Isolation (20-40)

    Trying to form a close, committed relationship.
  • Period: to

    Early Adulthood

    Increasingly not-yet-settled phase of life.
  • Period: to

    Adulthood - Cognitive Changes

    Alzheimers Desease - not normal aging, first the memory deteriorates, and then reasoning. The person becomes emotionally flat and disoriented, incontinent and finally mentally vancant. In Dementia there is a substantial loss of brain cells. A series of small strokes, a brain toumor, or alcohol dependence can progressivly dammage the brain. Throughout adulthood an individuals memory deteriorates as well as intellegence, and creativity
  • Average Age to Have a Child

    Average age in the US in which a man and woman conceve their first child.
  • Average Age Women Marry

    Average age in which woman marry.
  • Average Age Me Marry

    Average age in which men marry
  • Period: to

    Generativity v. Stagnation (40-60)

    The challenge is to be creative, productive, and give back to the next generation
  • Period: to

    Middle Adulthood

    During middle adulthood, woman chances in getting pregnant deceases and ends up on the onset of menopause. Menopause ends a womans menstral cycle and occurs around 50. During middle adulthood people experience many physical changes that signal that the person is aging, including gray hair and hair loss, wrinkles and age spots, vision and hearing loss, and weight gain. Visual shapness and cognitive abilities are at its peak.
  • Midlife Transition

    "Midlife transition" is a natural stage that happens usually at about age 40. Midlife transition can include: Discontentment or boredom with life or with the lifestyle that have provided fulfillment for a long time.
  • Period: to

    Ego Integrity v. Despair (60+)

    This person is trying to reach wisdom, tranquility, wholeness, and acceptance.
  • Period: to

    Late Adulthood

    Late Adulthood people experience many physical changes that signal that the person is aging, including gray hair and hair loss, wrinkles and age spots, vision and hearing loss, and weight gain. Visual shapness diminishes as well as muscle strength and action time.
  • End of Life Expectancy for Men

    Average age males pass.
  • Life Expectancy for Women

    Average age in which a woman passes.