Prenatal development begin

Child Development

By Fdanzy
  • Prenatal - Genetics

    Prenatal - Genetics
    Genetics: Physical and Evolutionary Development
    A embryo recieves both male and female chromosomes, there are 23 chromsomes in a female as well as in the male combining to a total of 47 chromosomes. These chromosomes are derived from DNA which encodes the gene with genetic information. Genes can determine whether a child is homozygous or heterozygous.
    Source:<a href='' >Genetics
  • Prenatal - Embryonic Stage

    Prenatal - Embryonic Stage
    Embryonic Stage: Physical Development
    The Embryonic Stage happens within the first two to eight weeks after fertilizations. The embryo development of major organs and basic anatomy beginnings. The nose, rudimentary eyes, lips and teeth are partially noticed. Also, the embryo beginnings to show bumps, on either side of the body and bottom as well. Those bumps or bulges are the formulation of legs and arms.
    Embryonic Stage
  • Prenatal - Behavioral Environment

    Prenatal - Behavioral Environment
    Behavioral Environment: Socio-emotional Development
    In this stage the environment becomes a large factor of the infant's developmental growth. Behaviors such as motor activity, crying, fussing, linguistic (vocalization) and emotional expression derive from the influence of environment. This is based on interaction between the infant to the oustide world.
    <a href='' >Behavioral
  • Prenatal - Sensorimotor

    Prenatal - Sensorimotor
    Sensorimotor: Cognitive Development
    Sensorimotor is the basic cognitive perspective that beginnings from birth to age two. In this milestone children create basic motor skills, possible capacity for symbolic representation. Also during this development the infant are able to create a connection to the objects and individuals around them. Sensorimotor
  • Infancy - Awake State: Cry

    Infancy - Awake State: Cry
    Domain Development: Physical
    An infant holds a certain degree of awareness that is measured by time based on the percentage of that time. Likewise, when an infant cries, vocalizing their distress the time of the crying state being performed is 1.7%.
    Source: Awake State: Cry
  • Infancy - Speech

    Domain Development: Cognitive
    An infant’s speech develops gradually, at 4 months an infant can read lips and perform simple speech sounds. 6 months, the infant is babbling and is active in problem-solving activities. By 8 months, the infant can follow basic instructions and by 21 months the infant can acquire a larger variety of vocabulary.
    Source: Speech Development Video
  • Infancy - Temperament

    Infancy - Temperament
    Domain Development: Socio-emotional
    Temperament of infant is determined by 9 dimensions of temperament: activity level, distractibility, intensity, regularity, sensitivity, approachability, persistence and mood. Depending on those factors an infant can be in three categories of temperament. Either the infant is in the category of “Easy babies”, “Difficult babies” or “Slow-to-warm babies”.
    Source: Temperament
  • Infancy - Growth

    Infancy - Growth
    Domain Development: Physical
    Growth is an important part of an infant’s life. Growth governs their capacity to develop at a maturing rate. However, according to the Principle of Independence of System, each infant is developmentally unique. Therefore, a child will grow at their own pace by their own physical maturity.

    Source: Growth-Physical Development
  • Toddlerhood-Motor Scale

    Toddlerhood-Motor Scale
    Domain Development: Cognitive
    A toddler can perform varies on the motor scale according to the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. A toddler can stand alone on their right foot as well as walk up the stairs with moderate assistance.
    Source: Motor Scale
  • Toddlerhood - Sleeping

    Toddlerhood - Sleeping
    Domain Development: Physical
    As the toddler physically matures the hours of sleep generally descreases. REM, Rapid Eye Movement is sleep that is recongized by a form of dreaming. The older the toddler becomes the less REM sleep is performed.
    Source: REM Sleeping
  • Toddlerhood - Gender Roles

    Toddlerhood - Gender Roles
    Domain Development: Socio-emotional
    Toddler boys around the age two years old are more independent compared to girls. Also, boys at this age are more acceptable to explore the world (i.e surroundings) while girls are more sheltered. Girls have a later tendancies to display less independency.
    Source: Gender Roles
  • Toddlerhood- Attachment

    Toddlerhood- Attachment
    Domain Development: Socio-emotion
    Toddlers at age one can experience avoidant attachment. Avoidant attachment is when a toddler experience no sign of discomfort or stress when the mother leaves. Likewise, when the mother arrives the toddler does not acknowledge her return, about 20% of one year olds behave in this way.
    Source: Attachment
  • Early Years - Sensory

    Early Years - Sensory
    Domain of Development: Physical
    As children begin to mature in terms of development in the brain their individual sensory skills increase. Likewise, during the preschool period auditory acuity which is the clearness of hearing strengthens. Which gives a better understanding why children at this stage of development are increasely distracted by noises.
    Sensory Development
  • Early Years - Injuries

    Early Years - Injuries
    Domain of Development: Physical
    Injuries are dominated part of the physical development of all children. Likewise, injuries are more likely cause of death within preschooler compared to illness. This is due to the increase of curiousity and increase in physical activity. 1 in 3 of children in the United States every year with injuries acquire serious medical attention.
    Injuries: First Aid
  • Early Years - Play

    Early Years - Play
    Domain of Development: Socio-emotional
    Play becomes the foreground of social and personality development for preschoolers. At this stage various ways of play provides an understanding of different ways a preschooler may interact with other children. Associative play, allows two or more children to share toys or other materials without mimicking the same play behavior.
    Associative Play
  • Early Years - Egocentrism

    Early Years - Egocentrism
    Domain of Development: Cogntive
    At this stage, preschoolers predominately rely on egocentric thinking. This is known as egocentric thought, which only puts in account the viewpoint of the individual and not the community. Children begin to use outward body behavior of their egocentric thought without considering what that expression or behavior may impact outsiders.
  • Middle Childhood - Psychological Disorders

    Middle Childhood - Psychological Disorders
    Physical Development
    At this stage children with psychological disorders tend to express such symptoms to an disorder. About 1 out of 5 children and adolescents have psychological disorders, such disorders such as aniexty and depression. However, children symptoms are not continuous and tend to go unnotice and proper treament for these children arises various concern for medication.
    Psychological Disorders
  • Middle Childhood - Accidents

    Middle Childhood - Accidents
    Physical Development
    Children tend to misjudge distance between oncoming and ongoing cars and trucks. Bicycle accidents are also a high risk of accidents however, car accidents rank the highest case of children accidents. 4 out of every 100,000 children between ages 5 and 9 are in car accidents, annually.
  • Middle Childhood - Linguistic

    Middle Childhood - Linguistic
    Cognitive Development
    At this stage children are developing strong linguistic skills. At 6 years old a child will have 8,000 to 14,000 words, likewise 5,000 words are added between 9 and 11 years old. Passive voice and conditional sentences increases at the ages of 6 and 7 and are actively used.
    Linguistic Development
  • Middle Childhood - Self- Esteem

    Middle Childhood - Self- Esteem
    Socio-Emotional Development
    Self- Esteem is positive and/or negative evaluation of one's self. At this period children beginning to compare and contrast themselves to other children. By 7 years old children are able to look at their self-esteem on a global aspect, like so children remain optimistic and maintain positive self evaluations.
    Self- Esteem
  • Adolescent - Early Maturity

    Adolescent - Early Maturity
    Domain: Physical Development
    Early Maturation is typical in girls however, boys that mature early are more successful in sports and competitions due to their great physical hieght and weight. They also tend to be more socially accepted and view themselves in a positive self-concept. However they have a hard time in their academics and may result to criminal behavior and/or substance abuse.
    Early Maturity
  • Adolescent - Addictive Drugs

    Adolescent - Addictive Drugs
    Domain: Physical Development
    Addictive drugs create a need for that particular drug through biological or psychological influence. For example: Cocaine, Heroine, Shrooms and the list goes on.The stronger the usage the more desirable and demanding the illegal drug becomes, and the craving increases thus, increasing dependences.
    Illegal Drugs
  • Adolescent - Preconventional Morality

    Adolescent - Preconventional Morality
    Domain: Cognitive Development
    Preconventional Morality is when an individual follows the basic rules and/or laws of society, evaluating the punishments or rewards that follow.
    For example: If someone desires to steal a car, a preconventional moral individual who respond to the other individual that stealing the car is wrong and they will be arrested.
  • Adolescent - Sexual Orientation

    Adolescent - Sexual Orientation
    Domain: Socio-Emotional Development
    Many adolescence experience homosexuality or bisexual behavior in one period of their lives. 20% to 25% of boys same sex sexual ecounters likewise 10% are girls who also experience this type of ecounter. Researchers are unsure how homosexuality and bisexual individuals transition into that type of behavior in such a early stage prior to late adulthood.Sexuality