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Toddler Timeline Project

  • Baby is Born!

    Baby is Born!
  • 13-15 Months (Physical)

    13-15 Months (Physical)
    During this stage in a toddlers life they are crawling and climbing on nearly everything! They are learning to stand upright with only ittle support, and they may be able to walk a few steps alone. they have improved their grasping skills and starting to learn to feed themselves (still messy). Needs improvement in manipulation skills.
  • 13-15 Months (Cognitive)

    13-15 Months (Cognitive)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they are beginning to form concepts and are noticing actions of other children and adults. They are experimenting with actions they have never tried before and are slowly starting to increase vocabulary to four to six words.
  • 16-18 Months (Cognitive)

    16-18 Months (Cognitive)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they are remembering where objects belong at play time. They have a short attention span and tries to imitate how parents use objects. They can identify simple pictures in books such as "ball" or "doggie". Their vocabulary is slowly incresing to six to ten words and tend to say "No!" more frequently.
  • 16-18 Months (Physical)

    16-18 Months (Physical)
    During this stage of a toddler's life they are learning how to use their body in multiple ways such as jumping, walking sideways, walking fast, squats, and pushes and pulls certain objects. They like to grab anything and everything and adds hand gestures to spoken language.
  • 19-21 Months (Physical)

    19-21 Months  (Physical)
    During this stage of a toddler's life they are walking sideways and backwards and can run without falling very often. They respond to music with whole body and is improving many skills already obtained such as squating, jumping, and kicking. They can hold two objects at a time easily. They are starting to imitate more complex actions suck as building towers with blocks or folding paper. Dominant hand starts to take place.
  • 19-21 Months (Cognitive)

    19-21 Months  (Cognitive)
    During this stage of a toddler's life they are progressing from simple imitation to imaginitive play. They are becoming interested in tiny things such as bugs and can distinguish between different sounds and smells. They can remember familiar objects without seeing them and can complete simple jigsaw puzzles. Their vocabulary is increasing to twenty words.
  • 22-24 Months (Physical)

    22-24 Months (Physical)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they are walking with more coordination and assurance of their capabilities. they continue to walk backwards, sideways, jump, and sqwat; but now they begin to bouce and sway while dancing. They enjoy performing "stunts' for others and walk on low walls. They can seat themselves in a small chair with ease. They have increased coordination with their hands and abilities.
  • 22-24 Months (Cognitive)

    22-24 Months (Cognitive)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they are becoming interested in the outcome of activities rather than the activities themselves. They are able to follow simple instructions and may distinguish between "one" and "many". If something is lost they may be able to recall where it might be. Their vocabulary increases to fifty or more words.
  • 24-30 Months (Cognitive)

    24-30 Months  (Cognitive)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they are becoming more interested in children TV shows. They understand the effects of their behavior and is better able to plan a play activity. They enjoy playing house and drawing and they use their imagination in their colorings. They become more interested in books and vocal books stories aswell. Their vocabulary increases to nearly 500 words and can begin to communicate/put together "sentences".
  • 24-30 Months (Physical)

    24-30 Months  (Physical)
    During this stage in a toddler's life most of their baby fat is leaning off and they are becoming very active. They love to run but cant come to complete stops and may run in to objects or people. They enjoy playing on swings and climbing on anything, that includes indoors and outdoors. They have learned to open doors and can turn pages in books aswell as similar actions such as unwrap gum. They are learning to manipulate objects easier with their hands.
  • 30-36 Months (Physical)

    30-36 Months (Physical)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they love to be in constant motion. Whether that is running, jumping, crawling, bouncing, swinging, going backwards or sideways they want to be active. They are playing in jungle gyms and outside. They can throw and mostly catch large balls and enjoy the game of it. They tend to walk on their tip toes. They can draw and scribble vertically and horizontally. Their fine motor skills continue to increasingly improve.
  • 30-36 Months (Cognitive)

    30-36 Months (Cognitive)
    During this stage in a toddler's life they are beginning to classify objects into general categories. They are becoming interested in the various roles in make-believe play and will discover more about how things work. They are showing curiosity in reading and watching TV. They can recognize themself in photographs.Vocabulary increases to nearly 1000 words and can put together better "sentences" and better language skills.