Developmental Milestones

  • Conception

    Pregnancy starts with fertilization, when a woman's egg joins with a man's sperm. If the fertilized egg successfully travels down the fallopian tube and implants in the uterus, an embryo starts growing. Usually taking about 7 days to travel down to through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.
  • Period: to

    First Trimester

    The body undergoes many hormonal changes affecting most organs of her body. Putting a halt on her menstrual cycle for the next 9 months.
  • Period: to


    Development happens quickly during the prenatal period, which is the time between conception and birth. This period is generally divided into three stages: the germinal stage, the embryonic stage, and the fetal stage also referred to as the first, second and third trimester. *
  • 3 Weeks

    3 Weeks
    Now the developing embryo is in the uterus, it searches for a nice place to implant. day5 Blastocyst When one is found, the zygote burrows beneath the surface of the uterus. At this stage the fertilized egg is now called a blastocyst, it is a fluid filled cluster of 50 to 60 cells, still multiplying madly. Implantation of the blastocyst occurs at about day 5 to day 8 of embryo development. IVF embryos are usually transferred into the uterus around this stage. The embryo is rapidly developing.
  • 5 Weeks - physical

    5 Weeks - physical
    On the 26th day after fertilization, the embryo's tiny heart begins to beat. At this time the embryo is still only the size of a raisin; there is rapid growth, and the baby's main external features begin to take form. Although not completely developed, all the major body organs and systems are formed. The neural tube enlarges into three parts, that will soon to develop to become a very complex brain. Also the placenta begins functioning, the umbilical cord, which will supply baby with nutrients
  • 10 Weeks - Embryo to Fetus

    10 Weeks - Embryo to Fetus
    The embryo has become a fetus. The heart is almost completely developed and very much resembles that of a newborn baby. An opening the atrium of the heart and the presence of a bypass valve divert much of the blood away from the lungs, as the child's blood is oxygenated through the placenta. Genitals have begun to from, but it is too early to tell the sex of the fetus
  • Period: to

    Second Trimester

    Week 13 - week 28.
  • 13 Weeks - emotional/physical

    13 Weeks - emotional/physical
    The fetus is now 3 inches long and weighs just an ounce. The baby's unique fingerprints are already in place. The muscles lengthen and become organized. Soon you will start feeling the first flutters of the unborn child kicking and moving within. They can make facial expressions and may have discovered thumb-sucking. The eyes are slowly moving towards the centre of the face and the nose is more pronounced.
  • 17 Weeks - physical

    17 Weeks - physical
    The baby can grasp with his hands, kick, or even somersault. The baby's circulatory system and urinary tract are up and operating. The lungs are inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.
  • 20 Weeks - social/cognitive

    20 Weeks - social/cognitive
    The child can hear and recognize the mother's voice. This is an important time for sensory development since nerve cells serving each of the senses--taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch are now developing into their specialized area of the brain. Though still small and fragile, the baby is growing rapidly and could POSSIBL survive if born at this stage.
  • 24 Weeks

    24 Weeks
    The unborn baby is covered with a fine, downy hair and the skin is protected by a waxy substance. Some of this substance may still be on the child's skin at birth at which time it will be quickly absorbed. The baby practices breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid into developing lungs
  • Period: to

    Third Trimester

    Week 29 - week 40.
  • 29 Weeks

    29 Weeks
    Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is about 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to accommodate his brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons. Baby hears things better from the vibrations all around, and can now distinguish real sounds and voices. Don't forget to continue to 'teach' your baby in the womb by exposing to music, literature, and simply talking to him
  • 32 Weeks - physical

    32 Weeks - physical
    During this time the baby sleeps most of the day. The baby will now weigh about 4 pounds. The uterus getting to be too small for the baby to move so you may have notice a decrease in your baby's movements. The baby is still trying to move frequently but it just doesn't have enough room. The baby can also now turn its head from side-to-side. The baby's organs are continuing to mature.
  • 37 Weeks -

    37 Weeks -
    Your baby is now considered full-term. Their lungs should work fine if baby is born now, but ideally he'll stay in your womb a bit longer. The baby's weight is now about 6 pounds and and the height is about 20 inches. You may now notice that it sometimes may feel like the baby is gradually dropping. This is called lightening. The feeling comes from increased pressure in the lower abdomen.
  • Day of Birth! - emotional

    Day of Birth! - emotional
    At the time of birth, most babies weigh about 7.5 pounds, and are 18-20 inches long, but it can vary with each baby, and there is no cause for concern. At birth the placenta will detach from the side of the uterus and the umbilical cord will stop working when the child takes his first breaths of air outside of uterus. The child's breathing will trigger changes in the heart that will force all blood to go through the lungs. Thus beginning life on their own on May 10, 1997.
  • Period: to


    Babies come into the world with many innate abilities, or abilities that are present from birth. At birth, 0-2 years (infancy), they possess motor reflexes such as the sucking reflex and the grasping reflex. Newborns can also hear, smell, touch, taste, and see, and these sensory abilities develop quickly - a quick progress in their cognitive, physical, social and emotional domains.
  • 1 Month - Cognitive/Physical

    1 Month -  Cognitive/Physical
    Her focus isn't fully developed as she can only see 8 to 12 inches away. Patterned black and white draw her attention, as well as her hearing being completely developed so she can recognize familiar sounds. She may lift her head briefly and turn it to the side when she's on her stomach.Born with grasping reflexes and a rooting reflex, helping feed.
  • 3 Months - Physical

    3 Months - Physical
    You no longer need to support her head. When she's on her stomach, she can lift her head, up 45 degrees, and chest, and even do the mini-pushups that set the stage for rolling over. Shaking toys, and bringing hands/feet to mouth.
  • 4 Months - Social/Emotional

    4 Months - Social/Emotional
    She is crying in different tones to signal different needs, hunger, pain, or fatigue. And responds to you talking by 'cooing' - may has cut first tooth.
  • 5 Months - Emotional/Social

    5 Months - Emotional/Social
    At about 5 months, she has begun to laugh at things she can see or hear. She'll delight in nonsense humor -- an exaggeration of things he typically experiences, such as faces with wide-open mouths and big eyes and wacky sounds such as toots and trills.
  • 6 Months - Cognitive

    6 Months - Cognitive
    By 6 months, half way to her birthday, she has begun responding to her own name and responds by making her "own" sounds, stringing vowels together when babbling ("ah", "eh", and "oh") while enjoying to do that with their parent - playing together.
  • 9 Months - Social/Physical

    9 Months - Social/Physical
    She is crawling, and leaning/standing against objects aswell as getting into a sitting position without any help; and is learning to play amongst herself.
  • 10 Months - Social/Emotional

    10 Months - Social/Emotional
    Around 9-10 months, babies laughter will also reflect a more sophisticated understanding of the world around her. This understanding breeds several kinds of humor: Violation of the rules, such as throwing food or making a mess, can make a baby roar; Element of suspense, including games such as peekaboo or jack-in-the-box, occurs when the baby knows that something funny is about to happen; and, Incongruity humor, or the element of surprise, occurs when a baby expects one thing but another happens
  • 1 year (12 Months) - Cognitive

    1 year (12 Months) - Cognitive
    At the one year milestone your baby has begun to follow simple directions. She has begun exploring things in her own way, like shaking, banging, or throwing objects.
  • 13 Months - Physical

    13 Months - Physical
    New freedom to explore! She is building her sense of mobility - whether it's crawling, walking or cruising - means she is suddenly reluctant to being held or carried. Once your baby has had a taste of freedom, it will be hard to hold her back.
  • 15 Months - Social/Physical

    15 Months - Social/Physical
    By 15 months your daughter has a whirlwind of activity (energy) and curiousity, but may lack a sense of danger or fear. She may try climb furniture or stick objects into the power socket, touching everything in sight.
  • 18 Months - Cognitive/Social

    18 Months - Cognitive/Social
    By now, hopefully, made the transition from baby bottle to sippy cup. Showing different feelings and emotions, from happy to sad to mad; enjoying physical contact (cuddling).
  • 19 Months - Social/Emotional

    19 Months -  Social/Emotional
    Children may become more "clutchy" before parents leave, which may be followed by crying and searching for parents or primary caregivers after they're gone. This distress is called separation anxiety, and it is a normal reaction that tends to get stronger when babies are between 11 and 19 months old.
  • 22 Months - Cognitive

    22 Months - Cognitive
    Toward the end of the first year, babies become more skilled at using their thumbs and forefingers to investigate objects. The ability to use a pincer grasp to pick up small objects and turn and twist items enables children to handle dials, knobs, and small moving objects like balls or bugs.
  • Period: to


    Early childhood is a time of remarkable cognitive, social and emotional development, between the ages of 2 - 5 year olds. During the toddler years, the rapid physical development that occured in infancy slowed to a steadier pace, maturing the child.
  • 24 Months (2 Years) - Social

    24 Months (2 Years) - Social
    By now, she is mimicing people, especially adults and other children, and gets excited when around other children.
  • 25 Months - Cognitive

    25 Months - Cognitive
    By 24 months, your child has begun an understanding of the difference between things, such as a picture book containing a variety of different animals (Cat, dog, bird).
  • 28 Months - Cognitive/Physical

    28 Months - Cognitive/Physical
    There is no "right" age to begin potty training, but the sooner the better, to gain an a strong understanding of the meaning 'potty'. You know she will need to go if she is walking/running steadily, has a regulary routined potty time, and has "dry" periods for more than two hoursproving that her bladder muscles developed enough to hold urine. But as mentioned, all children vary in age when it comes to potty training.
  • 29 Months - Cognitive

    29 Months - Cognitive
    At 30 months old a child can do things such as name multiple body parts, identify pictures in a book and string together conversations of 2-3 words.
  • 30 Months - Social

    30 Months - Social
    She has a well understanding of the word "mine", and will often tussle over such things (toys, cup) with another child, at home or preschool. Fiercly oer protective of their possessions, and will only now become to understand what sharing really means - learning takes time.
  • 36 Months (3 years) - Cognitive/Social

    36 Months (3 years) - Cognitive/Social
    At age 3, your child's speech should be almost understandable, composing sentences of a minimum of five to six words. While frequently asking questions, one after another, with a longer attention spam to conversation or person. Enjoys telling stories.
  • 3 Years - Physical

    3 Years - Physical
    At age 3, she hasmastered many skills including fine and gross motor skills. The major gross skills including running and jumping activities with arms held alongside body, but doesn't have full control of stopping. Indepndetly descend a staircase, alternating both feet.
  • 38 Months - Social

    38 Months - Social
    Your child has begun maturing more as their own person - a time when your child's world will be dominated by fantasy and vivid imagination. She cooperates with other children when playing together, showing an interest in new "experiences" aswell as playing games, such as "mom and dad".
  • 4 Years - Social

    4 Years - Social
    She is growing in a particular manner, becoming her own independent person readying herself for kindrgarten. She has became eager to meet new friends, with friendships to follow; wanting a particular liking from her new found friends.
  • 4 Years - Physical

    4 Years - Physical
    By age 4, her gross motor skills will develop as she gains effective control of stopping, starting and turning while she is running , jumping and skipping. She can jump a distance of 24 to 33 inches. The major fine motor skills include; writing and drawing skills; becoming more comfortable having control of a crayon.
  • 5 Years - Cognitve

    5 Years - Cognitve
    The language of a five year old is well developed. As well, as being a creative and enthusiastic problem-solvers. Thinking of more imaginative ideas for how to do a task; asking more analytical questions, weighing in their own opinions.
  • 5 Years - Physical

    5 Years - Physical
    She is five years old, gaining greater control over her muscles which improve her gross motor skills, more precisely. With this control she has the ability to learn to ride a bike rather than a tricycle; running in an adult manner, and farther distance.