Img 6375

Toddlers Timeline

  • Birth

    This child was born on december 15th 2016
  • 13 - 15 months emotional and social development

    13 - 15 months emotional and social development
    likes to exhibit affection to other people and objects
    may become attached to a special toy
    enjoys solitary play
    shows off for an audience
  • 13 months - 15 months physical

    13 months - 15 months physical
    The baby is beginning to develop large physical motor skills:
    such as, standing alone without support for a short period of time. could possibly walk a few steps by himself, The baby is also developing small physical motor skills:
    such as improving grasping skills, and opening small hinged boxes.
  • 13 - 15 months intellectual development

    13 - 15 months intellectual development
    toddler begins to form concepts
    notices actions of other children and adults.
    loves to mimic all actions
    may attempt to imitate words others say.
    may repeat sounds without understanding the meaning of the sounds
  • 16-18 months physical development

    16-18 months physical development
    large motor skills:
    may be able to walk sideways
    walks fast and runs stiffly
    small motor skills:
    likes to grab anything and everything
    places round pegs in a pegboard
  • 16-18 months intellectual development

    16-18 months intellectual development
    gradually refines concepts
    remembers where objects belong
    vocabulary increases six to ten words
    says "no" more often than other words
  • 16-18 months emotional and social development

    16-18 months emotional and social development
    is still egocentric
    may exhibit fear of thunder, lightening, large animals.
    is very socially responsive to parents and caregivers
    hands objectto parents and expects a reaction
  • 19-21 months physical devlopment

    19-21 months physical devlopment
    large motor skills:
    walks sideways and backwards
    runs without falling often
    small motor skills:
    holds two objects in hand easily
    builds towers of five or six blocks
  • 19-21 months intellectual development

    19-21 months intellectual development
    can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    interested in tiny things
    uses speech to get desired results
    has vocabulary of about 20 words now
  • 19-21 months emotional and social development

    19-21 months  emotional and social development
    may direct at po do person responsible for frustration
    likes to claim things as "mine"
    continues to desire personal attention
    may ask for permission things
  • 22-24 months physical development

    22-24 months physical development
    large motor skills:
    walks with more coordination and assurance
    walks sideways and backwards with ease
    small motor skills:
    shows increased coordination and smoother hand and finger movements
    likes to play with modeling clay
  • 22-24 months intellectual development

    22-24 months intellectual development
    becomes interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves
    may be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are
    distinguishes between vertical and horizontal lines
    has vocabulary of 50 words or more
    is interested in sound repetition
    understands more words than is able to use
  • 22-24 months emotional and social development

    22-24 months emotional and social development
    displays signs of love for parents and other people.
    becomes frustrated easily
    has strong positive or negative reactions
    is more responsive to, and more demanding of adults
    desires approval in social settings
    uses own name when referencing to self when talking with others
  • 24-30 months physical development

    24-30 months physical development
    large motor skills:
    improves motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat disappears
    climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    plays on swings, ladders and other playground equipment.
    kicks ball forward
    small motor skills:
    opens doors by turning knobs
    likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on
    tears paper and manipulates clay
    can remove wrapping from gum and candy
  • 24-30 months emotional and social development

    24-30 months emotional and social development
    continues to be self centered
    likes immediate gratification and finds it difficult to wait
    displays jealousy
    may develop fear of dark, needs reassurance
    may grab desired toys awn from other children
    likes to give affection to parents
    may pull hair or bite
    does not like to share toys
  • 24-30 months intellectual development

    24-30 months intellectual development
    becomes increasingly invested in children tv shows
    enjoys playing house and imitating family situations
    likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
    distinguishes between before and after
    uses two word sentences
    referes to self by name; then learns pronouns
    enjoys learning names for new objects
    vocabulary starts at 200 words then increases to 500 or more
  • 30-36 months physical development

    30-36 months physical development
    large motor skills:
    enjoys games involving running
    goes up stairs by alternating feet but goes down one foot at a time
    jumps from any elevated object
    throws ball over head, but aim is still poor
    small motor skills:
    turn doorknobs with greater strength
    like to paint using full arm motions and finger motions
    build tower of six or more blocks
    make mud pies and sand castles
  • 30-36 months intellectual development

    30-36 months intellectual development
    begin to classify objects into general categories
    use symbolic representation in make believe play
    tries out various roles in make believe play
    identifies familiar objects by touch
    starts to use past tense and plurals
    connects names and use of objects
    asks names of objects and repeats them
    understands relative size
  • 30-36 months emotional and social development

    30-36 months emotional and social development
    may exhibit aggressiveness
    feel bad when reprimanded for mistakes
    may reveal need for clinging to security object
    desires parental approval
    may learn to say please if prompted
    may begin cooperative play
    likes to be accepted by others
    distinguishes between boys and girls