

By jm0315
  • Prenatal - Germinal Stage - Physical

    Prenatal - Germinal Stage - Physical
    In this very first stage of conception the sperm meets the ovum, and the two become one, now called a Gamete. After an hour, or maybe two, the gametes fuse becoming one cell now called a zygote. The zygote begins to divide and grow, meeting up witht he uturis. It then becomes a blastocyst and imbeds intself into the uturin wall. For the next two weeks, is will continue to muliply its number of cells and set its self up for the next stage.
  • Prenatal - Embryonic Stage - Physical

    Prenatal - Embryonic Stage - Physical
    This six week stage is one of incredible science. The child int his stage has three distinct layers; the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Ectoderm is responsible for forming skin, hair, teeth, sense organs, and the brain and spinal cord. Endoderm, or the inner layer, will produce the digestive system, liver, pancreas, and respiatory system. Between the two said layers, the Mesoderm, which will bring about muscles, bones, blood, and the circulatory system.
  • Prenatal - Fetal Development - Physical/Cognitive

    Prenatal - Fetal Development - Physical/Cognitive
    During the final and longest stage known as the fetal stage, the now called fetus rapidly grows to twenty times its size. It goes from weighing about 4 ounces at 20 weeks, to an average of 7 pounds at birth (40 weeks). The fetus can suck on its thumb, urinate, have practice hiccups, react to outside stimuli, sumersault, and whole bunch of other things. Their own personalities begin to develop, alowing the mother to begin to have an idea f what they could be like once they are born.
  • INFANT- Reflexes - physical

    INFANT- Reflexes - physical
    From the moment that they emerge from the womb (via c-section or vaginal birth) a neonate will begin to breath automatically for the first time. Some other reflexes begin after birth as well, such as coughing, sneezing, and even blinking to keep out annoying or hazardous stimuli. The ability to poop is also a new reflex to a newborn, one that not everyone necessarily realizes, but is very important to do.
    (personal photo)
  • INFANT - Neuron network - physical/cognitive

    INFANT - Neuron network - physical/cognitive
    All infants are born with 100 to 200 billion, yes, billion, neurons. Although at birth the neurons have very few connections with other neurons, by the time they are two they will have billions of connections. The brain is able to undergo a process called synaptic pruning. It is when there are neurons that are no longer being used for communicating to other neurons to be pruned, or gotten rid of. 'https://anthonymarr13.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/1-s2-0-s0896627307007775-gr6.jpg'
  • INFANT - Memory - cognitive

    INFANT - Memory - cognitive
    Memories are events, feelings, or thoughts that we are able to recall from our past. They are recorded and stored in the brain. Science beleives that at as young as 6 months old, we are able to recall actions. For the most part, however, we all have infantile amnesia. Most of us do not have memories for things that happened prior to being 3 years old. 'http://cdn.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2010/11/09/kids-and-memory-what-do-babies-remember/jcr:content/image.img.2000.jp
  • INFANT - Attachment - socioemotional

    INFANT - Attachment - socioemotional
    Infants form attachments, usually, to those whom are their primary caregivers. A British psychiatrist, John Bowlby, beleived that attachment is based off of the infants need for safety and security so as to avoid predators. There are four current attachment patterns. There are also correlations between the quality of attachment between a child and their mother to relationships at later stages in life.'https://s3.amazonaws.com/easel.ly/all_easels/96006/attachmentstyles/image.jpg'
  • TODDLER - Brain Growth - physical/cognitive

    TODDLER - Brain Growth - physical/cognitive
    The connection between brain development and cognitive development is fairly new to the relm of neuroscience. There are times during the life span of a toddler that shows growth spurts when language skills tend to increase rapidly, as well as when typical cognitive advances are made. Although findings in this are strong, there is still the directional question at hand; "Does brain development produce cognitive advances, or do congitive accomplishments fuel brain development?"'http://brig
  • TODDLER - Potty Training - physical/cognitive/socioemotional

    TODDLER - Potty Training - physical/cognitive/socioemotional
    The American Acadamy of Pediatrics support a flexable approach to toilet training, stating that it should be put off until the toddler shows signs of readiness (pg.213). This could then mean that any child could be ready at 18 months, or some not till 30 months. Signs of readiness range from the physical (being able to dress/undress oneself), to emotional (how it is that they are treated after using or not using the toilet). 'http://dailyappleseed.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/potty_training.jpg'
  • TODDLER - Language Development - cognitive/socioemotional

    TODDLER - Language Development - cognitive/socioemotional
    Language also develops rapidly during the toddler days. The average 3 year old has thousands of words and phrases that they are able to say and comprehend, and it continues to steadily grow. By the age of 6 the average child has a vocabulary of over 14,000 words. That is learning a new word every 2 hours! (pg.231) During this time they also learn the propper use of grammar, pragmatics, social speech, and private speech. 'http://www.kidspot.co.nz/admin/images/contentarticles/185.jpg'
  • TODDLER - Gender Identity - socioemotional

    TODDLER - Gender Identity - socioemotional
    Gender, the perception of being male or female, is something that society predetermines. By the time we are 2, we begin using the terms "boy" or "girl", categorizing who we see. There are four believed reasons behind why gender play has such an important role during the preschool years: biological, psychoanalytic, social learning, and cognitive. (pg. 250,253) 'http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-W4r7ruDz_go/Uko9F2um7iI/AAAAAAAAGSk/xS4wYpd5DU8/s1600/young-children-765102-tablet.jpg'
  • EARLY YEARS - Theory of Mind - socioemotional

    EARLY YEARS - Theory of Mind - socioemotional
    During the ages anf three and four, children begin to understand the concept of pretend, and well as developing insight behind people's behaviors and motives. A three year old can imagine something they know isn't actualy there. And a four year old can understand that a person can be fooled (pgs.256,257). The development of this skill helps the child to gain insight to what others around them are thinking, helping to develop, also, both sympathy and empathy. 'http://internal.psychology.illinois.
  • EARLY YEARS - Gross Motor Skills - physical

    EARLY YEARS - Gross Motor Skills - physical
    Did you know that during our third year of life we are more active than at any other point of our entire lifespans? (pg.211) Between the ages of 3-5, gross motor skills develop at a high rate as mylenation of neurons develop. The major gross motor skills are turning/stopping quickly, jumping, running, going up/down stairs unaided, and hopping. 'http://codenamemama.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Hopscotch-268x300.jpg'
  • EARLY YEARS - Sensory Development - cognitive

    EARLY YEARS - Sensory Development - cognitive
    We learn that during the early years a child's ability to scan small groupings of words is difficult. Children tend to focus on the first letter and guess at the rest. It is not until the age of 6 that a child is able to effecively focus and scan (pg.201). Also, the sharpness of hearing improves during this time,though not as significant as with vision efficiency (pg.202) 'http://www.sensesmart.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/icon-individual-multi-sensory-development.png'
  • EARLY YEARS - Initiative vs. Guilt - socioemotinal

    EARLY YEARS - Initiative vs. Guilt - socioemotinal
    Between the ages of 3-6 children face conficts between the desire to be independant and guilt from failing at their efforts. By providing children the opportunity to try out self reliancy, while still giving guidence, ecourages initiative. However, if a child's attempts at independance are discouraged then they could have a persistant feeling of guilt through the rest of their life (pg. 249). http://www.toondoo.com//public/b/e/c/becT/toons/cool-cartoon-2985532.png'
  • MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Nutrition - physical

    MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Nutrition - physical
    Good nutrition promotes the growth of strong bones, healthy teeth, as well as affecting cognitive, social, and emotional proformances in school aged children. Children who receive more nutrients tend to be more involved with their peers, show more postive emotions, have less anxiety, and have a higher level of activity than other peers with a less adequite nutritional diet. 'http://fitosaur.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/childhood-obesity-300x189.jpg'
  • MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Motor Skills - physical

    MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Motor Skills - physical
    Muscle coordination imporoves greatly during middle childhood. Becasue of this gross development, most children in this age range can quickly grasp the ability to ride a bike, ice skate, swim, jumo rope, and even ski or snowboard. There is almost no difference between a boy or girls' gross motor skills during this stage. (pg.283) 'https://middlechildhood.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/85393487.jpg'
  • MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Concrete Operational - cognitive

    MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Concrete Operational - cognitive
    This stage of cognitive thinking is known as the active and appropriate use of logic. It is a Piaget theory, occuring between the ages of 7 and 12. When a child in this stage is confronted with a problem, they are able to use cognitive and logical processes to solve problems. At the height of this stage is when the child has attained reversability, the notion that processes transforming a stimulus can be reversed. 'http://memecrunch.com/meme/26YNV/concrete-operational-stage/image.jpg?w=500&c=1'
  • MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Friendships - socioeconimic

    MIDDLE CHILDHOOD - Friendships - socioeconimic
    During middle childhood, a childs view of friendship goes through three stages; 1)Basing friendship on others behaviors, 2)Basing friendship on trust, and 3)Basing friendship on psychological closeness. (pg.334) 'http://www.mentalhealthy.co.uk/sites/default/files/bigstock_Group_Of_Schoolchildren_Standi_13916180.jpg'
  • ADOLESCENCE - Puberty - physical

    ADOLESCENCE - Puberty - physical
    In just a matter of a few months, an adolescent can grow several inches. Their physical apperance changes transforming them from looking like children to looking like adults. On average boys grow 4.1 inches in a year, and girls average 3.5 inches. Some adolescents can grow up to 5 inches in one year! (Pg.354) 'http://cdn1.theodysseyonline.com/files/2015/11/20/635836565108215959-1703200272_keep-calm-and-survive-puberty-4.jpg'
  • ADOLESCENCE - Family Ties - cognitive/socioeconomic

    ADOLESCENCE - Family Ties - cognitive/socioeconomic
    Most teenagers' autonomy grows gradually during adolescence. At the start of adolescence, a relationship between child and parent is more assymetrical, with parents holding the power and influence. By the end of sdolscence, the relationship is more symmetrical (pg. 416) Although power and influence are shared by the end of adolescnce, parents still tend to have the upper hand. 'http://www.relationshipsireland.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Mum-supporting-daughter-resized1-300x200.jpg'
  • ADOLESCENCE - Part-Time Work - Cognitive/socioeconomic

    ADOLESCENCE - Part-Time Work - Cognitive/socioeconomic
    Teens begin working part time jobs typically around the age of 16/17, altough almost a third of teens have some sort of employment at the age of 15 (pg.389). Although working has some advantages, it could hinder proper adolescent development by not allowing participation in sports activities. It can also have a negative affect on school performance and grades. 'http://i0.wp.com/www.theadolescentmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/0530-ATEENS-TEEN-WORKERS-JOBS-ECONOMY.jpg?resize=600%2C398'
  • ADOLESCENTS - Dating - cognitive/socioemotional

    ADOLESCENTS - Dating - cognitive/socioemotional
    When and how adolescents begin to date is widely determined by cutlural and family factors. Although society for the most parts encourages adolescent dating, most teens today that the concept of dating is outmoded and limiting. Even thought htis change in norms is occuring, dating is still the main form of social interaction that leads to intimacy. (pg.425) 'http://nspt4kids.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/teens-dating-in-school.jpg'