

  • Baby born

    Baby born
  • 13-15 months

    13-15  months
    Physical development : During these three months toddlers learn to walk without support for a short period of time.Cruises along furniture and take steps while holding onto parent`s hand. They also have improved grasping skills and can turn cardboard or cloth pages of a picture book. Builds small towers of blocks and may try to turn doorknobs.
  • 13-15 months

    13-15 months
    Language Development Milestones Intellectual Development: Shows interest in new texture by rubbing fingers over sufaces. Notices actions of other childern and adults. They also love to mimic all actions. They slowly increase vocabulary to four to six words. May attempt to imitate words others say. Also they respond to their own name and comes when called.
  • 16-18 months

    16-18 months
    Physical Development : At this age, the toddler may be able to walk sideways. Also their walks are fast and they run stiffly.Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor.Adds hand gestures to spoken language. Squats down smoothly from standing position. They can work jigsaw puzzles with 1-2 pieces. Also they begin to scribble.
  • 16-18 months

    16-18 months
    Intellectual Development: Toddlers begin to remembers where objects belong. They scribble more freely but also can imitate strokes in drawings . Identifies simple pictures in books, such as ball and doggie.Uses words instead of gestures to express some wants, such as "up" or "cookie". Can point to own body parts on request may use two-words phrases.
  • 19-21 months

    19-21 months
    Toddlers at 19-21 months Physical Development: Toddlers begin to walk sideways and backward. They can run without falling often. Also they love to run, jump, and climb. Jumps forward and in place. They use one hand more than the other. Can build towers of five or six blocks.
  • 19-21 months

    19-21 months
    Intellectual Development: Can remember familiar objects without seeing them. Can obtain familiar objects from different rooms when asked. Likes to make marks on paper with big crayon.Is intrested in tiny things like bugs. Responds to speech with speech. Uses speech to get desired results. Combins two differnet words.
  • 22-24 months

    22-24 months
    Your toddler at 22 months Physical Development: They bounce and sway in simple dancing movements. Walks coordination and assures. Lacks ability to start efficiently or stop qucikly while running. Like to play with modeling clay. They can hold crayons with thumb and fingers. Can open screw-type closures. Also they can snip paper with scissors.
  • 22-24 months

    22-24 months
    Intellectual Development: They become interested in the outcome of activities rather than just the activities themselves. They are curious about objects in the environment. Also they follow simple directions .Understand more words than is able to use. Listen to and enjoys simple stories. Imitates parent`s words and inflections.
  • 24-30 months

    24-30 months
    Physical Development: Toddlers improve motor skills as torso lengthens and baby fat begins to disapper. They climb on jungle gyms with fair amount of ease. They like to play on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment. They are able to open doors by turning knobs. Can remove wrapping from gum and candy.
  • 24-30 months

    24-30 months
    Intellectual Development: They become increasingly interested in children's TV shows. Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior. Is better able to use nearby objects in make-believe games. Enjoys plyaing house and imitating family situations. Can follow two-step comands. Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period. They can use two-word sentences. They also can refer to self by name.
  • 30-36 months

    30-36 months
    Age by Age guide to feeding you Toddler Physical Development: Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards. They like to walk on their tiptoes. Also they climb up slide ladders and slide down. Scribbles and draws circles as well as horizontal and vertical. Takes objects apart and puts them back togehter.
  • 30-36 months

    30-36 months
    Milestone chart for toddlers Intellectual Development: Begins to classify objects into general categories. Uses symbolic representatives in make-believe play. They can remember and follow three step commands. Also they can recognize self in photographs. Understands relative size (big and small). Uses personal pronouns correctly.
  • Preschool age 4- physical

    Preschool age 4- physical
    They can hop on one foot, throw ball overhand ,and walk backward easily. Preschoolers can also dress and undress themself and cut on line with scissors.
  • Preschool age 4- social/ emotional

    Preschool age 4- social/ emotional
    Can be defiant, impatient, loud, and bossy with other children and adults. Test out the sond of words. Also their active imagination leads to fears. Preschoolers form friendships with their playmates. They spend more time in cooperative play. They also play in groups of three or four sharing toys and taking turns.
  • Activity- song One, Two Buckle my shoe

    Activity- song One, Two Buckle my shoe
    Age of child- 4-6
    This activity will teach your child how to count.
    Repeat the following to teach your child how to count:
    One, two buckle my shoe
    Three, four close the door
    Five, six pick up sticks
    Seven, eight lay them straight
    Nine, ten a big fat hen
  • Preschooler age 5- physical

    Preschooler age 5- physical
    They can skip with alternating feet. Also they balance on each foot for short period. They can draw a person with a head, body, arms and legs. They can also button ther clothes.
  • Preschooler age 5- social/ emotional

    Preschooler age 5- social/ emotional
    Views himself/herself as a whole person, with a body, mind, and feelings. They are eager to explore the outer world, but may be fearful of unfamiliar people, places, and experiences. They can become outgoing and talkative. Also fights break out less frequently.
  • activity- Musical chairs

    activity- Musical chairs
    ages 4-6
    This is appropriate for social development because this activity needs alot of kids to play.
    You start with 4 or more kids sitting in chairs. When the music starts an adult should take a chair away so that there are fewer chairs than there are kids. When the music stops who ever doesnt get a chair is out. You keep on doing this untill there is 2 kids left and only 1 chair. When the music starts again and when the music stops whoever gets the chair is crowned Winner.
  • Preschooler age 6- physical

    Preschooler age 6- physical
    Can ride a two-wheel bicycle with training wheels, Also they can jump rope. They can cut, paste, and color skillfully. They can also write entire word and tie shoes.
  • activity- name spelling game

    activity- name spelling game
    ages- 5-6
    This activity teaches the child their name.
    1. Print each letter in the child's name on an index card
    2. Lay them out to spell the child's name
    3. Mix them up and have the child try to put them back in the proper order.
  • preschooler age 6- social/ emotional

    preschooler age 6- social/ emotional
    They crave praise and approval. Also they can enjoy music or dance lessons and organized sports. They begin to experience rapid mood changes. There friends are usually of the same sex but play readily in mixed groups. When they tire of play, they simply drop out of a game.