Toddler timeline

  • Baby is born

    Baby is born
  • 13-15 Months Physical

    13-15 Months Physical
    -May stand erect with only slight supports.
    -Stands alone without supports for a short time.
    -Crawls foward or backward with varying speed
    - Can sit in small chair for a short timje
    -Climbs on chairs,sofas, and tables
  • 13-15 Months Cognitive

    13-15 Months Cognitive
    -Explores different feautures of objects as if studying them
    -Discovers ability to make things happen by own actions
    -May use sounds to indicate specific object
    -Recognizes names of major body parts
    -Responds to own name and comes when called
  • 16-19 Months Physical

    16-19 Months Physical
    -Able to walk sideways
    -Walks into a ball but isn't able to kick the ball.
    -Likes to grab anything and everything
    -Pushes and pulls large toys aroung the floor
    -May turn knobs of radio and tv
  • 16-19 Months Cognitive

    16-19 Months Cognitive
    -Remember where objects belong
    -Has short attention span
    -Responds delightedlly to children's TV shows
    -Refers to self by name when asked
    -May use two-word phrases
  • 19-21 Months Physical

    19-21 Months Physical
    -Walks sideways and backwards
    -Loves to run,jump, and climb
    -Hangs from bar when grasping with hand
    -Uses one hand more than the other
    -Holds two objects in hand easily
  • 19-21 Months Cognitive

    19-21 Months Cognitive
    -Experiments with actions never tried before
    -Shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surfaces
    -Follows simple commands such as give,come,stop,and show me
    -May attemps to imitate words others say
    -Points to familiar toys or person on request.
  • 22-24 Months Physical

    22-24 Months Physical
    -Walks with more cordination and assurance
    -can sear self in small chair with ease
    -Likes to play with modeling clay
    -Holds crayon with thumb finger nails
    -Can trow ball into basket
  • 22-24 Months Cognetive

    22-24 Months Cognetive
    -Distinguishes between horizontal and vertical lines
    -Recognizes when pictures are upside down in a book
    -Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
    -Listens to and enjoys simple stories
    -Imitates parents words and inflections
  • 24-30 Months Physical

    24-30 Months Physical
    -Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
    -Clibms everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    -Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
    -Kicks ball foward
    - Trows ball overhead but without aiming
  • 24-30 Months

    24-30 Months
    -Recognizes familiar signs in environment
    -can follow two-step commands
    -Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted
    -Enojoys learning names for new objects
    -Distinguishes between before and after
  • 30-36 Months Physical

    30-36 Months Physical
    -Likes to be in constant motion, running or walking sideways or backwards
    -Sits in adult chairs and may prefer these to smaller chairs
    -Walks on tiptoe
    -Turns door knobs with greater strenth
    -Catches large ball with arms and hands out straight
  • 30-36 Months

    30-36 Months
    -Understands cause and effect in terms of own behavior
    -Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
    -Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more in this period
    -Uses words to make requests
    - Enjoys playing house and imitation family situations