Toddler bedding boy2

toddler stages

  • Baby Born

    Baby Born
    Baby is born.
  • 13-15 months physical

    13-15 months physical
    -may stand with slight support.
    -cruises along furniture.
    -takes steps holding parents hands or only a few steps alone.
    -crawls forward and back with varying speeds.
    -snjoys filling and emptying containers with small objects.
    -uses spoons and spills little.
  • 13-15 months cognitive

    13-15 months cognitive
    -begins to form concepts.
    -notices other people's actions and likes to mimic.
    -looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight.
    -short memory and almost no forethought.
    -likes to look at picture books and recognizes familiar pictures.
    -4 to 6 words
    -recognizes some body parts by name.
  • 16-18 months physical

    16-18 months physical
    -may walk sideways.
    -walks fast but runs stifly.
    -unable to kick ball.
    -jumps with both feet.
    -begins to scribble.
    -pushes and pulls large toys.
  • 16-18 months cognitive

    16-18 months cognitive
    -6 to 10 words.
    -says "no" and obeys to things like "give it to me"
    -remembers where objects belong
    -tries to imitate the way parents use objects.
    -figures things out through thought process.
    -refers to self by name.
  • 19-21 months physical

    19-21 months physical
    -runs without falling often.
    -walk sideways and backwards.
    -loves to run, jump, climb.
    -responds to music with whole body.
    -can kick ball without stepping on it.
  • 19-21 months cognitive

    19-21 months cognitive
    -remembers familiar objects without seeing them.
    -looks at books for longer periods of time.
    -completes simple jigsaw puzzles.
    -progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play.
    -vocabulary of about 20 words.
    -asks "what's that?"
  • 22-24 months physical

    22-24 months physical
    -walks and runs steady.
    -eats without help.
    -walk on tiptoes
    -may be able to ride tricycle.
    -take objects like ball and put in box.
    -learning to hop on one foot.
  • 22-24 months cognitive

    22-24 months cognitive
    2 yr old
    -usually use 50 words.
    -cant put complete sentences together.
    -understand simple instructions.
    -they dont know run is ran instead of "runned"
    -memory improving. connects words to memories.
  • 24-30 months physical

    24-30 months physical
    -jump in place lifting both feet off the floor.
    -scribble using a crayon with his whole hand.
    -build towers.
    - string beads. (small motor skills improving)
    -run without bumping into things.
    -remove clothes
  • 24-30 months cognitive

    24-30 months cognitive
    -pretend play with others.
    -match words, shapes, colors.
    -inncreased attention span.
    -become aware of sequence of numbers.
    -understand concept of time (tomorrow, later, yesterday)
  • 30-36 months physical

    30-36 months physical
    -holds pencil as if to print.
    -plays in group activities.
    -turns pages of book one at a time.
    -use safety scissors.
    -climbs ladder of slide or other equipment.
    -kicks ball wherever he/she wants.
    -put on and take off clothes.
  • 30-36 months cognitive

    30-36 months cognitive
    -tries to play act thoughts and ideas.
    -counts 3 objects.
    -matches and sorts similar pictures/objects.
    -enjoys creative movement.
    -do complex puzzles. up to 8 pieces.
    -plan before action.