Timeline Project

  • I Was Born

    On This day at 11:13am I was born in Dearborn Michigan.
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    My Life

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    Biosocial Development

    By Age 2 my brain is 75% it's adult size, by age 5 my brain is 95% of it's adult size and by age 7 my brain was fully grown. At age 5 my corpus calloseum was developed fully connecting my right and left hemispheres in my brain enhancing my motor skills. by age 1 I was learning to speak, by age 3 I had mastered a small but communicative vocabulary. By age 5 my motor skills are well developed and I was able to move gracefully without risk of severe brain injury.
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    Cognitive Development

    As a baby I was able to use my sense to explore my world, I was able to follow moving object, distinquish raising and lowering in levels of sound, see all colors and distinguish their hues and brightness, and start to anticipate events. As a toddler I strived for independence and the use of tools. I also began to learn proper behavior for a person as I began to learn what was considered right and wrong.
  • Oral Stage

    The Oral Stage of Psychosocial development takes place from 0-2 years of age. during which the oral zone is the center of the infant's needs, expression, and pleasurable erotic experiences.
  • Anal Stage

    occurring between 1 and 3 years of age, when preoccupation with the function of the bowel and the sensations associated with the anus are the predominant source of pleasurable stimulation.
  • Phalic Stage

    during which sexual interest, curiosity, and pleasurable experiences are centered on the penis in boys and the clitoris in girls.
  • Latency Stage

    occurring between 6 years of age and puberty when sexual motivation and expression are repressed or transferred, through sublimation, to the feelings and behavioral patterns expected as typical of the age. In this stage, the child develops same-sex friendships.
  • Genital Stage

    beginning with adolescence and continuing through the adult years, when the genitals are the predominant source of pleasurable stimulation. The most significant feature of this stage is direction of sexual interest not just toward self-satisfaction but toward establishment of a stable and meaningful relationship.
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  • Got my Drivers license

    At age 16. I got my drivers license. At this age I went through the normal biosocial development of learning how to drive a car. Driving a car takes lots of eye hand coordination and motor skills that a child could not do.
  • Got my first job

    Getting a job falls into the cognitive development domain. Why you may ask? because at a job you are forced to interact with people you may not always agree with. By the age of 17 you have developed your own take on issues, morals, politics, ethics, etc. Your views may not be agreeable to other peoples but by this age you should have intellectually matured enough to learn to see both sides of every situation and balance opposing views.
  • Psychosocial Development

    During the psychosocial stage of my life I will want to feel more at home with my community. I will feel more giving and wanting to be apart of things. I may hoard objects in my house in an effort to hold on to memories of my past. In my later years I will be more positive than my younger years. Knowing my life is coming to an end I will look back at the great times I had.
  • Biosocial Development

    In my 70's I will experience a trait called Ageism. It is a time where I will become too self absorbed and believe I am doing better than other people my age. Any mental slip I may have I will play off as a "senior moment" not realizing I am in a great decline.
  • My mid life crisis

    I am taking a stab in the dark and assuming by 2024 if I have not accomplished anything for myself that I will probably be having a midlife crisis as I will be 30. It's still early adulthood but for me and my interests in a career in music 30 is the down and out years. A midlife crisis falls into the psychosocial domain because it is filled with questions of life goals, morals, and past goals and values. I do hope I never get to this point in my life though!
  • Biosocial

    During my entrance in to adulthood I will experience something called
    Senescence - A gradual physical decline that is related to
    aging and during which the body becomes
    less strong and efficient.
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  • Cognitive

    In Adulthood I will experience Cross Section Declines. As I age my brian processes slow. Intelligence peaks in adolescence and gradually declines from then on out.
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    Late Adulthood

  • Biosocial development

    As I enter my 70s I will enter a stage defined as Ageism. I will become self absorbed and think I am doing better than everyone my age. I will not realize I am in decline. Everytime I have a "senior moment" I will play it off like it's not a big deal not realizing I am in decline.
  • Cognitive Development

    During Late adulthood. surprisingly I will experience brain cell growth. My dendrites and neurons will grow in adulthood. My brain will shrink in size and I will think slower and take longer to process. If I keep my mind active I can slow this process.
  • Death

    On this day I will die of old age in my sleep. I hope to be remembered by a community and loved by many.