Advancement of Steam Engines S.K.

  • Dec 24, 1050


    First mechanical device that used heat as a source of energy. It resembles the very early version of a turbine.
  • Denis Papin

    Designed the first heat engine. It uses pistons and resembles an early pump jack.
  • Savery

    Invented the first steam-powered pump. No pistons used, and relates to a pump-jack.
  • Newcomen

    Invented a steam engine that boiled water in order to produce steam which then moved a piston in a separate pump. The condensing of steam would move the piston back and forth. It was connected to a pivoting beam, which turned a mine pump. The motion of the piston effectively drove the pump. It uses both pump-jacks and pistons.
  • Watt

    Designed a more effect steam engine. The steam was cooled, however, it would allow the engine to remain hot and retain its heat. This reduced the amount of heat used, thus making it more effective than Newcomen's engine. Watt's engine dominated the engine market for over 100 years until the invention of the thermal combustion engine.