
Timeline of Nazi Persecution of the Jews

  • Sacking of teh Jews

    Hitler ordered the sacking from government jobs anyone not of Aryan descent -> thousands of Jewish civil servants were immediately sacked -> Nazi school authorities sacked Jewish teachers; Jewish actors and musicians were forbidden to perform in public
  • The Beginning

    Hitler becomes Chancellor, and he orders the SA to turn costumers away from Jewish shops -> smashed windows of some Jewish shops and painted 'Jude' [Jew] on doors and windows -> these boycotts were extended to Jewish lawyers and doctors in Germany
  • Placards Appeared

    placards appeared outside shops, cafes, swimming pools, parks and other public place -> the placards displayed the words 'Jews not wanted' or 'Jews forbidden'
  • Banning of Jews in Public Places

    local councils banned Jews from public places such as parks, playing fields, and swimming pools
  • Laws against Jews were Passed

    the Nuremberg Laws were passed and denied Jews the basic right of German citizenship -> the Reich Citizenship Law made Jews 'subjects' rather than citizens -> the Jews lost the right to vote and hold government office -> the law for the Protection of German blood and Honor banned sexual relationships and marriages between Jews and Aryans
  • No More Jewish Army Men

    Jews were forbidden to join the army
  • Restriction of Jewish Activities

    the professional activities of Jews were banned and restricted -> included vets, dentists, accountants, surveyors, teachers, and nurses
  • Confiscation of Businesses

    the Aryanisation of Jewish businesses was stepped up -> more and more Jewish businesses were confiscated
  • No More Jewish Doctrors, Dentists, and Lawyers

    Jewish doctors, dentists, and lawyers were forbidden to treat or work for Aryans -> they could only deal with Jewish people -> the social position of Jews was also systematically undermined by the Nazis
  • No More Jewish Students

    Jewish children were excluded from German schools and universities -> Jews with non-Jewish names had to use the name 'Israel' for males and 'Sarah' for females -> they had to have the letter 'J' stamped on their passports
  • No More Arts for Jewish People

    Jews were banned from all theatres, concert halls, museums, amusement places, and sports fields
  • Property Registration

    Jews had to register their property, thus making it easier to confiscate
  • Jewish Violence Grew

    violence grew -> the murder of Ernst von Rath, a secretary in the German embassy in Paris, by Herschel Grynspan, a Polish Jew
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass) -> thousands of Jewish shop windows were smashed with over 815 shops destroyed, 191 synagogues set on fire, and 76 synagogues demolished -> 91 Jews were killed and 20,000 were arrested
  • Jewsish People were Fined

    the Jewish community was ordered to pay a fine of one billion Reichsmarks -> a decree was issued barring Jews from owning or managing businesses
  • No More Businesses

    Jews were no longer allowed to run shops or businesses
  • No More Sweets for the Jews

    Jews were no longer allowed to on radios, or buy cakes or chocolate