Time management

  • Beginning of the month

    Time management is basically the most important decisions of your day whether to do something productive or to do something enjoyable.
  • Period: to

    End of the month

    By the end of the month I know more on how to manage my time then I did at the beginning of the month because of this class.
  • Day after my surgery

    I was faced with a decision on whether to study for my test the next day or to just lay in bed and feel bad for myself because I was in pain. I used the time I had and I studied my notes for Psych and it worked out for me!
  • First practice being back

    I used my time effectively before practice by stretching out so I didn't pull a muscle instead of just standing around and talking.
  • Why didn't I use my time management skills properly?????

    On this day I was faced with a decision that I learned in this module and I picked the option to just chill and watch movies instead of studying for my test and I got an 84 on a test that i could've aced if I would have studied like a responsible student.
  • Time management is a very important issue in college students every day life

    Today I figured out that as a college student if I don't use every minute of free time that I have to either rest or to study you will burn yourself out and not be as effective if you were rested up.
  • Time management

    Like in module 3 it says that if you don't take advantage of your time ...its time that you'll never get back,which is a waste because you can always be doing something to better yourself as a student, athlete, or even a couch potato. whatever you do, do it the best of your ability and always make sure that you take advantage of your time and don't like time take advantage of you.