

By ktd
  • 473

    Themistocles ostracised

  • 524


    Themistocles born
  • Became Archon

  • Silver found at Mount Laurium

  • Aristides was ostracised

  • Battle of Salamis

  • Themistocles dies

  • Battle of Artemisium

    Themigoes to seek advice from the oracle
    The women and children evacuated Athens and men went to fight at Salamis.
    Themi was angry as Eurybiades may retreat again so sent a persian prisoner of war (devoted to Themi) to Xerxes saying that he was surrendering and gave up the Greeks plan.
    Xerxes listen to this and followed Themi's instructions
    Xerxes found out the plan and fleed
    The Greeks won the war.
  • Battle of Marathon

  • Persians driven from Greece after the Battle of Plataea

  • Second Persian Invasion

    Themi bribes off other candidates in order to become commander of Athens.
    He had Persian messengers killed
    He reconciled the Greek City States
    As far down as Boeotia surrendered.
    He was sent with a fleet to fight at Artemisium.
    He gave command to Eurybiades
    Bribed Eurybiades to stay and fight
    Themi sailed along the coast and left messages on stones for the Ionians.
    The allies fled to defend the Peloponnese, leaving the Athenians alone to defend Attica.