
The Steps of Solving a Quadratic Equation

  • Be Familiar With Variables

    Variables are something we've been working with for a few years now. Make sure you're comfortable solving for them.
  • Factoring

    Factoring is key to a quadratic equation. (x-2)(x+3)=0
  • Learning the Quadratic Formula

    You have now learned the equation for the Quadratic Formula. Let's break it down.
  • Identifying Your Variables

    In a quadratic equation, we want to solve for x. ax2+bx+c=0
  • Plug in Your Variables

    Plug in your a, b and c into the quadratic formula.
  • Solve for x

    Now that we've plugged in all of our values, we must solve for x. This will get you two answers.
  • Plug in Answers

    Plug in your answers to the quadratic formula in the form of (x+/- one answer)(x+/- your other answer) Congratulations! You solved a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula!