The Spanish Inquisition

  • Jan 2, 711

    Muslims of Grenada are Defeated

    This started everything, because if they hadn't been defeated, the Inquisition wouldn't have started
  • Oct 19, 1469

    King Ferninand and Queen Isabella's marriage

    It was their idea to get rid of all the non-Catholics, and that started a war, and they eventually ended up killing some of the Aztecs because they weren't Catholic.
  • Apr 12, 1478

    Spanish Inquisition

    This happened because it killed everyone who wasn't Catholic. (which were the Aztecs)
  • Jan 2, 1492

    The Reconquista ended

    The Reconquista was the end of the war.
  • Jan 26, 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovers the new world

    This lead Columbus to discover new things, new land, including the Aztecs.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    The treaty of Tordesilla is signed

    The treaty of Todesillas is a treaty that was signed to divide land outside Europe between the Portugese Empire and the Spanish Empire.The lands west would belong to Spain, and the east to Portugal. The Spanish gained ability to explore the area that they and Portugal were fighting over, and they found the Aztecs and eventually took them over.
  • Jan 26, 1519

    The Spanish arrive on the banks of Tenochtitlan

    Columbus found the Aztecs and killed them because they were'nt Catholic.