Spanish american war

The Spanish-American War

  • Period: to

    Spanish-American War

  • The Cuban Revolutionary Party

    The Cuban Revolutionary Party
    Jose Marti, a Cuban writer/poet, creats the Cuban Revolutionary Party. He creates this party after the Spanish begin to take over Cuba and many Cubans decide to revolt.

    A poet/writer from Cuba, Jose Marti, decided to burn down all the sugar cane crops in the United states in order to gain independence from, Spain. He believed taht burnign teh crops was the only way to get the US to help.
  • Yellow Kid Comic

    Yellow Kid Comic
    The "Yellow Kid" was a comic originally written by Joseph Pulitzer. It was later fought over between Pulitzer and William Hearst. The comic was often used to discredit the stories of other newspapers and sway public opnions on important issues, such as the Spanish-American War. Pulitzer and Hearst did not get along, but in some ways their fighting was good for the war and the country in gemneral.
  • William Hearst

    William Hearst
    William Hearst played a huge role in Americas involvement with Cuba during the Spanish-American War. Hearst saw the war as an opportunity to boost his newspaper sales. He was the first newspaper to send a team of reporters to Cuba wo monitor everything happening there. He publised brutal and cruel articles to sway peoples' opnions about the America's involvement in the war.
  • "The Butcher"

    "The Butcher"
    Valeriano Weyler was nicknamed "the butcher" becasue of the horrible things he did to the Cubans. He was sent to Cuba to end revolt. In order to do so, he opened concentration camps to remove the Cubans from their land so they could not revolt against the Spanish.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    Concentration camps were opened to kill all Cubans who the Spanish believed were going to revolt. The camps, in the end, killed more innocent people than it did rebels. Women, children, and many more were all slaughtered at these camps.
  • William McKinley for PRESIDENT!

    William McKinley for PRESIDENT!
    William McKinley was elected president on March 4, 1897. He went into his presidency with two main goals: 1. Protect American businesses and 2. free the Cubans.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy as a reward for his amazing campaiging for president McKinley. He later becomes a war hero and eventually the president of the United states.
  • USS MAINE explodes!

    USS MAINE explodes!
    At about 9;30 pm on Feb. 15, 1898 the USS Maine explodes in the Havana Harbor. Over 260 sailors lost their lives, and the cause was never discovered. At this point, the leaders of the country know a war is coming.
  • The War begins!

    The War begins!
    Following the sinking of the battleship Maine in Havana harbor, the United States declares war on Spain. Their goal was to remove the Spaniards from Cuba and free the Cubans.
  • 1st Battle: Battle of Manila Bay

    1st Battle: Battle of Manila Bay
    This battle was the first battle of the Spanish-American war. It took place in the Philippines and it was called the Battle of Manila Bay. The Spanish fleet was destroyed. However, due to lack of manpower the US, under control of George Dewey, was not able to capture Manila until the end of July.
  • The Rough Riders Charge On to Victory!

    The Rough Riders Charge On to Victory!
    The Rough Riders was a nickname given to the small batalion that was led by Teddy Roosevelt. It consisted of unexperienced riders and a wondrful leader. Rosevelt led his small batalion to victories over San Juan hill and he becomes a war hero.
  • War ends!!

    War ends!!
    After long, hard-fought battles, the United States is able to claim victory over the Spanish. Unfortunatly, many Spanish people were killed over this 8 month war.

    The United States of America purchases the Philippines from Spain for $20 million! After the war, Spain had no choice but to accept the offer.
  • Imperialization

    After the Spanish-American war, America was considered a world power. People also refered to it as "Greater America".