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The Russian Revolution

  • Decembrist Revolt

    Decembrist Revolt
    Russian Army officers led a group of roughly 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I taking the throne.
  • Nicholas II Becomes Czar

    Nicholas II Becomes Czar
    Unprepared to be a leader, Nicholas II begins a ruling which goes downhill quickly.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Russo-Japanese War
    The war was started due to the Empires of Japan and Russia having equal ambitions over Korea and Manchuria. Russia was searching for warm water ports for their Navy and for marine trade. Japan stated that they wanted control of Korea, and when Russia refused to agree, Japan suspected Russia to be a threat, so they declared war.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Father Gergi Gapon organized a peaceful march with factory workers to the czar's palace in St. Petersburg. Quickly, shots were fired by Russian officials, and more than 100 innocent lives were taken.
  • Russia and World War I

    Russia and World War I
    Russia is allied with Britain and France and fight against Germany and Austria. Industries however were unable to provide enough for Russians, leaving soldiers poorly equiped for the war.
  • Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne

    Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne
    After going into a costly war, the army garrison at Petrogad and a group of striking workers began demanding socialist reforms. The czar was left with no choice other than to abdicate his throne.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    Riots and strikes erupted in Petrograd, Russia's capital city. Cries of "Bread and Peace" rang out from outraged civilians. Officers ordered to fire upon the civilians refused and even joined the protesters. The news of the revolution spread to Nicholas II and shortly after he abdicated.
  • Russian Civil War Begins

    Russian Civil War Begins
    After a series of revolutions in 1917, a civil war breaks out. The two sides were the Red Army (the Communist Party) and the White Army (the Socialist Party).
  • Creation of the U.S.S.R.

    Creation of the U.S.S.R.
    After having a second revolution on the provisional government of Russia, the Bolshevik Party created the Union of Soviet Social Republics in 1922. The U.S.S.R. lasted until 1991.
  • Vladimir Lenin's Death

    Vladimir Lenin's Death
    Only over a year after joining the Russian in the Soviet Union and becoming a leader, Vladimir Lenin died in his home in Gorki.